Скидка Map Voter and Auto wipe script 1.3.37

  "Commands": {
    "Open MapVoter UI": "mvote",
    "Generate Mpas": "MapVoter.generate",
    "vote result": "voteresult"
  "Options": {
    "Map size": 3500,
    "Select random maps from rustmaps filter id instead of generating random maps on wipe day (true/false)": false,
    "How many pages the plugin looks up per search request(every page has 30 maps": 10,
    "Enable Discord bot (true/false)": true,
    "Only players with permission MapVoter.Vote can vote (true/false)": false,
    "Log to Discord (true/false)": true,
    "Discord Logs Channel Id": "",
    "Disable UI": false,
    "RustMaps API key": "[URL]https://rustmaps.com/user/profile[/URL]",
    "staging": false,
    "barren": false,
    "Stop voting after (minutes)": 60,
    "avatar url": "",
    "Discord footer": "",
    "filter Id": "Visit [URL]https://rustmaps.com/[/URL] and adjust your map requirements. In the red box above the settings hit the Share button,the string at the end of the URL is the filterId.Example URL: [URL]https://rustmaps.com/?share=gEU5W6BUuUG5FpPlyv2nhQ[/URL] the string at the end in this case {gEU5W6BUuUG5FpPlyv2nhQ} is the filterId."
  "Discord Settings": {
    "Vote Channel id": "",
    "Discord Apikey": "BotToken",
    "Discord Command Prefix": "!",
    "Discord Channels": [
        "Discord Channel ID": "",
        "Commands": [
    "Discord Command Role Assignment (Empty = All roles can use command.)": {
      "generate": [
      "vote": [
      "mapwipe": [
      "bpwipe": [
      "cancelwipe": [
      "stopvoting": [
      "update": [
      "cancelupdate": [
  "Auto Vote": {
    "Auto start vote": true,
    "Only Authenticated users can vote through discord": true,
    "Start voting x days before wipe": 0,
    "Start voting at (HH:mm) 24-hour clock": "17:00",
    "Number of maps to generate": 4
  "Auto Wipe": {
    "Custom Map": {
      "custommap": false,
      "map URL": ""
    "Map wipe schedule": [
    "BP Wipe Schedule": [
    "Enable Auto wipe": true,
    "Wipe BPs at forced wipe day": true,
    "Forced Wipe time (HH:mm) 24-hour clock": "19:00",
    "Wipe time (HH:mm) 24-hour clock": "19:00"