• Добрый день, если вы испытываете проблемы с пополнением баланса, свяжитесь с @MrFallen.

Скидка Port A Fort 1.0.4

NamesOfPortFiles -> Add the names of the .json files for the specific forts that are within the ports folder in the oxide data folder.

HpOnComplete -> The health forts will have once they have been completed

FolderForPortFiles -> The folder where port data files are stored. May be good to change it to your CopyPaste folder.

ObjectBlockingRange -> Change this if your having issues with forts being build in bad spots such as in rocks or houses. The higher the value the more likely a block will not be built. Default is 1. Setting it to 0 will disable the check

SkinForPortAFort -> The skin id to determine if an f1 grenade is a PORT-A FORT or not.

SpeedToBuild -> How fast a building will get built. 0.01 default.

AmountToBuildPerLoop -> How many blocks will get placed per every cycle of the above time. default 2

RefundOnBadPlacement -> If a grenade should be given back in the event of bad placement