- Языки
- Английский
About WalkingDead
Walking Dead will resurrect a player with a "Walker" using the player's name and outfit with the option to spawn it with a Flaming entrance and several other options.
Optional dependencies :
- Rust Kits
- RestoreUponDeath (if assigned to restore clothing in this case fully) !!!!
- Walkers spawning using a players Name and clothing
- Spawns a Walker (scientist) after a player died/suicided
- Hostile like a real walker even goes for sleepers and scientists and animals
- It can resurrect "From Hell" with flaming spawn true/false.
- Configurable Spawn amount
- Configurable Spawn delay time
- Configurable cooldowns on walker spawning to avoid suicide spam harvesting
- Select to show gametip or chat messaging (or neither)
- Configurable Health/Lifetime/Roam Range
- Can use kits (only clothing) and can use a random kit if set multiple up
- Compatible with NPCKits (NPCKits won't override the
outfit) - Despawns the Walkers on plugin unload
- Walkers will not spawn inside bases (on foundations)
- Walkers will not spawn when suicided (cfg option) (Added in v1.1.4)
- Backup your configs before plugin updates!
- Test option to block spawning in 1 zone (will be extended in near future) (Added in V1.1.4)
Permissions :
No permissions
Commands :
/wdinfo : tells version/author/and a little backend story
Logfiles :
No logging yet.
Configuration : (new spawn system since v1.0.6!!!)
- Spawns the zombie as the player's clone
- If the player had no clothes on, it would use one of the kits assigned in configuration (random)
- if no kits assigned or the kits are having a mismatch (typo), it will spawn the zombie using the predefined zombieoutfit (mumysuit)
English language file included using a different language make a new file in the language folder.
"Zombie_Spawn": "You died and resurrected a Walker!",
"Prefix": "<color=green>Walking Dead : </color>",
"info": "\nThe [Walking Dead] will resurrect players as Walkers\nThese are aggressive and attack anything on sight !!\nUsing their melee weapons they can and will go after you !!",
"Cooldown": "You have a cooldown and didnt ressurect a walker!!"