• Добрый день, если вы испытываете проблемы с пополнением баланса, свяжитесь с @MrFallen.

Платное Property Buying 1.1.1

  "AttemptToTerminate": 5,
  "ColorNotification": "#601099",
  "DivisionSelling": 2,
  "InviteExpire": 20.0,
  "PurchaseEconomics": false,
  "PurchaseLimit": -1,
  "TimeForPayLeased": "2m"

AttemptToTerminate - The number of attempts for payments before a lease is automatically resiliated

ColorNotification - The color of the notification messages between [ ]

DivisionSelling - Set the sale price ex: purchase price: 30 -> it will be divided by 2 -> 15 which will be returned to the players

InviteExpire - The time in seconds for an invitation to the property to have expired

PurchaseEconomics - Enabled / Disabled economics on the servers

TimeForPayLeased - The time before the next property payments

PurchaseLimit - The ownership limit that players can acquire. "-1" defines no limit