• Добрый день, если вы испытываете проблемы с пополнением баланса, свяжитесь с @MrFallen.

Платное Property Buying 1.1.1

  "SellingProperty": "Selling the property",
  "NoPermissions": "You don't have permission",
  "NoOwner": "You are not the owner",
  "NoFounds": "You don't have enough funds",
  "PropertyAlreadyOwner": "This owner already belongs to someone",
  "LeasedButton": "Leased",
  "BuyButton": "Buy",
  "CloseButton": "Close",
  "SellButton": "Sell",
  "LeaseTitle": "Lease the property",
  "BuyedTitle": "Buyed the property",
  "BelongsHas": "Belongs has",
  "NavButtonHome": "Home",
  "NavButtonUsers": "Users",
  "AddTenantButton": "Added a new tenant",
  "ChangePayerButton": "Change the payer",
  "NavButtonCommands": "Commands",
  "TopButtonCancel": "Cancel the edit",
  "TopButtonSave": "Save",
  "PropertyName": "Property Name",
  "NavButtonDoor": "Door",
  "NavButtonBuying": "Buying",
  "NextPayments": "Next payments",
  "NavButtonPricing": "Pricing",
  "NextPage": "Next page",
  "PreviousPage": "Previous page",
  "DoorText": "Door #{0}",
  "CodeLockAdding": "The lock code has been added to the \"{0}\"",
  "MailboxSet": "The mailbox was set to \"{0}\"",
  "NoCodeLockAdding": "No lock code was added, (give you a lock code to put it on the door)",
  "NoteTitleTenant": "Added a new tenant '{0}'",
  "NoteTextTenant": "You authorized to be added to the \"{0}\" property by {1}\n\n(left click to accept)\n(right click to decline)",
  "InviteDecline": "You refused invitations",
  "InviteAccept": "You accepted the invitations",
  "InviteExpired": "Your invitations have expired",
  "WithdrawMoney": "You were charged {0}$",
  "WaitingPayments": "Your payment is waiting for you",
  "BuyProperty": "You just paid {0}$",
  "BuyEconomicsProperty": "A {0}$ payment has just been withdrawn from your account",
  "Error_CodeLock": "Must have at least a lock code",
  "Error_Mailbox": "He must have a mailbox",
  "Error_PriceRental": "The rental price is not defined",
  "Error_PriceSale": "The sale price is not defined",
  "Error_Title": "It must have a minimum of 2 characters",
  "CopyPasteSuccess": "\"{0}\" was copied under the name \"{1}\"",
  "PurchaseLimit": "You have reached the purchase limit"