Платное Custom Cargo Ship Tiers 2.0.0

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Note that most of the commands utilized by CST are console commands (accessible by pressing F1) instead of chat commands, as they offer faster execution by enabling quick access to previously entered commands using the arrow keys. This saves time and effort compared to manually typing or copying and pasting chat commands repeatedly.
8.1 Chat Commands
  • cargo.buy <TierName> - Allows players to purchase tiered cargo ships based on their assigned summon profile.

8.2 Console Commands
The following commands are admin-specific and intended for use by admins or those with customcargoshiptiers.admin permission.
The placeholder within < > indicates a required argument, while the placeholder within [ ] indicates an optional argument.
  • cargo.call <TierName> [SteamId] - To sell tiered cargo ships through shop plugins such as ServerRewards or GUIShops, etc. If you don't specify a Steam ID, the ship will randomly spawn offshore.
  • cargo.edit - Enters the edit mode, teleporting you to two stationary ships with different layouts for you to edit.
  • cargo.edit done - Exits the edit mode and saves any changes you made while teleporting you back to your original location before entering edit mode.
  • cargo.spawn create <SpawnType> <SpawnGroupAlias> - To create a new spawn group of a specific type, with a unique alias.
  • cargo.spawn edit <SpawnType> <SpawnGroupAlias> - To edit an existing spawn group, allowing you to add or remove spawn points from it.
  • cargo.spawn delete [SpawnPointId] - To remove a spawn point from a spawn group. If no ID is provided, it'll delete the last spawn point created. If you specify an ID, it'll delete the corresponding spawn point for that given ID.
  • cargo.spawn done - To stop editing a spawn group and save the changes you've made to it.
  • cargo.spawn draw - To visualize the spawn points you've created in a spawn group.