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Платное Wizardry 1.1.7

Параметры оригинальной конфигурации : Примечание : Level Req - Wizard Level: 1 - новичок, 2 - опытный, 3 - мастер, 4 - администратор

  "Food - Allow mana recovery by eating certain food ? ": true,
  "Food - How much mana will player recover if they eat Correct Foods ? ": 50,
  "Food - recover mana by eating Food ID 1 : ": -1848736516,
  "Food - recover mana by eating Food ID 2 : ": -1509851560,
  "Food - recover mana by eating Food ID 3 : ": 1668129151,
  "Food - recover mana by eating Food ID 4 : ": -242084766,
  "Freeze Spell - Duration of Freeze : ": 10.0,
  "Freeze Spell - Players can be refrozen after this many seconds :": 60.0,
  "Icon URL - Arcane Missle Spell - URL string for icon : ": "https://i.imgur.com/B1ul02R.png",
  "Icon URL - Fire Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/EAJptQ7.png",
  "Icon URL - Heal AOE Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/5zTE6Hb.png",
  "Icon URL - Heal Self Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/pxsGc6J.png",
  "Icon URL - Lightning Spell - URL string for icon : ": "https://i.imgur.com/QUuDIhZ.png",
  "Icon URL - Missle Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/pMgO6Q8.png",
  "Icon URL - NPC Freeze Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/gTeIHcB.png",
  "Icon URL - Player Damage Buff Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/Cnl03mj.png",
  "Icon URL - Player GodMode Buff - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/z1Fxn1d.png",
  "Icon URL - Player Vanish Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/GnM4JzP.png",
  "Icon URL - Rejuv AOE Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/aG1hgoh.png",
  "Icon URL - Rejuv Self Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/sYUgCAE.png",
  "Icon URL - Smoke Screen Spell - URL string for icon : ": "http://i.imgur.com/2KjlM4d.png",
  "Icon URL - Water Spell - URL string for icon : ": "https://i.imgur.com/hg4E95Y.png",
  "Level Req - Arcane Missle Spell Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Fire Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Heal AOE Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Heal Self Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Lightning Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Missle Spell Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - NPC Freeze - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Player Damage Buff Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Player Damage Immunity Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Player Vanish Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 4,
  "Level Req - Rejuvenate AOE Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Rejuventate Self Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Smoke Screen Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Level Req - Water Spell - Wizard Level needed to use : ": 1,
  "Mana - Cost Reduction - Adept Wizards reduce mana cost by 1/": 4,
  "Mana - Cost Reduction - Admin Permission Users reduce mana cost by 1/": 1,
  "Mana - Cost Reduction - Master Wizards reduce mana cost by 1/": 2,
  "Mana - Gui Despawn time amount (if not holding wand) : ": 100,
  "Mana - Recover this amount of mana per tick : ": 1,
  "Mana - Starting Amount - Amount of mana players starts with : ": 100,
  "Mana - Tick Rate (higer number means slower recovery) : ": 10,
  "Skin ID for Adept Wand : ": 1307501912,
  "Skin ID for Master Wand ": 1307502592,
  "Skin ID for Novice Wand : ": 853223991,
  "Spell Cooldown - Arcane Magic Missle Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Fire Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Heal AOE Spell Cooldown : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Heal Self Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Lightning Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Magic Missle Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - NPC Sleep Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Player Damage Buff : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Player Damage Immunity : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Player Vanish : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Rejuvenate AOE Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Rejuvenate Self Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Smoke Screen Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cooldown - Water Spell : ": 60.0,
  "Spell Cost - Arcane Magic Missle Spell Mana Cost : ": 2,
  "Spell Cost - Fire Spell Mana Cost : ": 200,
  "Spell Cost - Heal AOE Spell Mana Cost : ": 600,
  "Spell Cost - Heal Self Spell Mana Cost : ": 200,
  "Spell Cost - Lightning Spell Mana Cost : ": 500,
  "Spell Cost - Magic Missle Spell Mana Cost : ": 250,
  "Spell Cost - NPC Sleep Spell Mana Cost : ": 200,
  "Spell Cost - Player Damage Buff Cost : ": 500,
  "Spell Cost - Player Damage Immunity Cost : ": 500,
  "Spell Cost - Player Vanish Mana Cost : ": 1000,
  "Spell Cost - Rejuvenate AOE Spell Mana Cost : ": 800,
  "Spell Cost - Rejuvenate Self Spell Mana Cost : ": 400,
  "Spell Cost - Smoke Screen Spell Mana Cost : ": 500,
  "Spell Cost - Water Spell Mana Cost : ": 200,
  "Spell Damage - Arcane Missle Spell Damage (Explosive) : ": 10.0,
  "Spell Damage - Fire Spell Damage (Heat) : ": 25.0,
  "Spell Damage - Missle Spell Damage (Explosive) : ": 50.0,
  "Spell Duration - Damage Buff Time : ": 30.0,
  "Spell Duration - Damage Immunity Time : ": 30.0,
  "Spell Duration - Player Vanish Time : ": 30.0,
  "Spell Duration - Smoke Screen Despawn Time : ": 45.0,
  "Spell Material ID - Arcane Magic Missle Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default gunpowder) : ": -265876753,
  "Spell Material ID - Damage Buff Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default gunpowder) : ": -265876753,
  "Spell Material ID - Damage Immunity Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default gunpowder) : ": -265876753,
  "Spell Material ID - Fire Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default low grade fuel) : ": -946369541,
  "Spell Material ID - Heal AOE Spellrequires this Item ID to cast (default bandage) : ": -2072273936,
  "Spell Material ID - Heal Self Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default bandage) : ": -2072273936,
  "Spell Material ID - Lightning Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default sulfur) : ": -1581843485,
  "Spell Material ID - Magic Missle Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default gunpowder) : ": -265876753,
  "Spell Material ID - NPC Sleep Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default hemp seed) : ": -237809779,
  "Spell Material ID - Rejuvenate AOE Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default bandage) : ": -2072273936,
  "Spell Material ID - Rejuvenate Self requires this Item ID to cast (default bandage) : ": -2072273936,
  "Spell Material ID - Smoke Screen Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default gunpowder) : ": -265876753,
  "Spell Material ID - Vanish Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default sulfur) : ": -1581843485,
  "Spell Material ID - Water Spell requires this Item ID to cast (default water bottle) : ": -1039528932,
  "Spell Material QTY - Arcane Magic Missle Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Damage Buff Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Damage Immunity Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Fire Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Heal AOE Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Heal Self Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Lightning Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Magic Missle Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - NPC Sleep Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Rejuvenate AOE Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Rejuvenate Self requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Smoke Screen Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Vanish Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Material QTY - Water Spell requires this qty of material to cast (set to 0 for No Materials required) : ": 0,
  "Spell Potency - Arcane Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 1 (Novice) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Arcane Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 2 (Adept) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Arcane Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 3 (Master) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Arcane Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 4 (Admin) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Damage Buff - Damage by player will be multiplied by (Example: 2 - double damage, 1.5 - player deals 1.5x damage, 1 - normal) : ": 2.0,
  "Spell Potency - Damage Immunity - Damage to player will be scaled to (Example: 0 - godmode, 0.5 - player takes half damage, 1 - normal) : ": 0.0,
  "Spell Potency - Helf AOE - Players within range will be healed this much : ": 100.0,
  "Spell Potency - Helf Self - Player will heal themselves this much : ": 100.0,
  "Spell Potency - Lightning Spell - Damage Amount for Level 1 (Novice) Wizards : ": 25.0,
  "Spell Potency - Lightning Spell - Damage Amount for Level 2 (Adept) Wizards : ": 45.0,
  "Spell Potency - Lightning Spell - Damage Amount for Level 3 (Master) Wizards : ": 65.0,
  "Spell Potency - Lightning Spell - Damage Amount for Level 4 (Admin) Wizards : ": 75.0,
  "Spell Potency - Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 1 (Novice) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_hv.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 2 (Adept) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/npc/patrol helicopter/rocket_heli.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 3 (Master) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Missle Spell - Prefab string for Level 4 (Admin) Wizards : ": "assets/prefabs/ammo/rocket/rocket_basic.prefab",
  "Spell Potency - Water Spell - Water Amount for Level 1 (Novice) Wizards : ": 2000,
  "Spell Potency - Water Spell - Water Amount for Level 2 (Adept) Wizards : ": 8000,
  "Spell Potency - Water Spell - Water Amount for Level 3 (Master) Wizards : ": 20000,
  "Spell Potency - Water Spell - Water Amount for Level 4 (Admin) Wizards : ": 20000,
  "Spell Radius - Arcane Missle Spell Damage Radius : ": 2.0,
  "Spell Radius - Fire Spell Damage Radius : ": 2.0,
  "Spell Radius - Lightning Missle Spell Damage Radius : ": 5.0,
  "Spell Radius - Missle Spell Damage Radius : ": 2.0,
  "Spell Range - Heal AOE Effective Range : ": 20.0,
  "Spell Range - NPC Sleep Effective Range : ": 20.0,
  "Spell Range - Rejuvenate AOE Effective Range : ": 20.0,
  "Spell Range - Water Spell Range : ": 20.0,
  "Usage - AOE Spells only Effect Friends or Clan Members ? ": false