"lowmana": "Thy Mana is low wizard, you need : ",
"nomaterials": "To cast that spell you need ",
"activatedlightningspell": "Lightning Spell Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedfirespell": "Fire Spell Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedwaterspell": "Water Spell Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedmisslespell": "Missle Spell Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedarcanemisslespell": "Arcane Missle Spell Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedhealself": "Heal Self Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedrejuvself": "Rejuvenate Self Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedhealaoe": "Heal AOE Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedrejuvaoe": "Rejuvenate AOE Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatednpcsleep": "NPC Sleep Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedsmoke": "Smoke Screen Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activatedvanish": "Vanish Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activateddamagebuff": "Damage Buff Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"activateddamageimmunity": "Damage Immunity Activated - Mana Cost is : ",
"correctitem": "Ye must be holding the correct item to make a wand !! ",
"notallowed": "You are not authorized to use that command !!"