Chat Commands:
Note: Turning on any of the gun modes via their direct name (i.e: animal, entity, etc.) will also effectively do /gun on
for you.
/gun off - Disables gun mode in general to prevent use of any of the types below.
/gun on - Activates gun mode in general to allow use of any of the types below.
/gun animal - Activates animal gun mode.
/gun explosive - Activates explosive gun mode.
/gun entity - Activates animal gun mode.
/gun freeze - Activates animal gun mode.
/gun remove - Activates animal gun mode.
Use Shortnames to change the gun type, or their defining part of their name. EX: for "pistol_revolver", do "revolver".
/gun set animal wolf - Sets your current held gun to the wolf gun.
/gun set explosive mlrs m249 - Sets the M249 to the MLRS gun.
/gun set freeze - Sets your current held gun to the freeze gun. (only 1 freeze type so no type specification required)
/gun set remove pistol_revolver - Sets revolver to the remove gun. (only 1 remove type so no type specification required)
/gun spawnfrozen on - Sets NPCs and Animals to spawn frozen.
/gun spawn frozen on - Sets NPCs and Animals to spawn frozen.
Lots of QoL allowances for freeze AoE commands.
/gun set freeze aoe on - Sets freeze AoE (radius) on.
/gun freeze aoe on - Sets freeze AoE (radius) on.
/gun set freeze aoe 12 - Sets freeze AoE (radius) to 12m.
/gun freeze aoe 12 - Sets freeze AoE (radius) to 12m.