"The command you type in to use the plugin": "gun",
"Color/Hex for Syntax in Lang": "#ff3d3d",
"Color/Hex for Commands in Syntax in Lang": "orange",
"Color/Hex for 'Animal Gun' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "#30D5C8",
"Color/Hex for 'Explosive Gun' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "orange",
"Color/Hex for 'Entity Gun' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "purple",
"Color/Hex for 'Remove Gun' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "#ff3d3d",
"Color/Hex for 'Freeze Gun' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "#30D5C8",
"Color/Hex for 'NPC Gun' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "#cf1d40",
"Color/Hex for 'Activated' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "green",
"Color/Hex for 'Deactivated' in Lang when calling the Gun Types commands": "red",
"The Color/Hex of the attempted entity/gun in the response for successful/failed gun setting": "orange",
"The Color/Hex of the attempted spawn type in the response for successful/failed gun setting": "#40E0D0",
"The test entity spawned using the entity gun": "assets/content/structures/interactive_garage_door/sliding_blast_door.prefab",
"Unfreeze ALL frozen entities upon unloading (Excluding Cargo, it will automatically unfreeze).": true,
"Freeze AoE (radius) Effect Enabled for ALL user with freeze permission (if set to false, no one can use AoE. If enabled, allows AoE Freeze)": true,
"Max AoE (radius) a user is allowed to set for AoE freezing": 350,
"Spawn tamable animals": true,
"Spawn animals already tamed by the user who shot the gun": true