Скидка Admin Menu 2.1.2

Версия Дата выпуска Скачивания Оценка
2.1.2 25 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
2.1.1 38 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
2.0.22 46 5.00 звёзд 2 оценок
Added option to each command config option to close the UI when the command is run
Pick players up from wounded state when using the heal commands

Добавлена опция для каждой команды config option для закрытия пользовательского интерфейса при запуске команды
Забирайте игроков из раненого состояния при использовании команд исцеления
Fixed hurt/heal commands being applied to the player running the command
Null check shit that should never be null...

Added player info/quick action sub-menu to commands section.
Requires permission "adminmenu.players"

Updated for hook deprecation
Added config option to change give amounts per category
Added support to view all users in a specific group via the Groups/View menu
Added ability to remove users from a group in the Groups/View menu
Added ability to clone a group, automatically clones permissions with a option to also copy players
  • Новые функции
  • Исправление ошибок
Плагин снова работает.
Фикс ошибок
Added option to each command config option to close the UI when the command is run
Pick players up from wounded state when using the heal commands

Добавлена опция для каждой команды config option для закрытия пользовательского интерфейса при запуске команды
Забирайте игроков из раненого состояния при использовании команд исцеления
Fixed hurt/heal commands being applied to the player running the command
Null check shit that should never be null...

Added player info/quick action sub-menu to commands section.
Requires permission "adminmenu.players"

Updated for hook deprecation
Added config option to change give amounts per category
Added support to view all users in a specific group via the Groups/View menu
Added ability to remove users from a group in the Groups/View menu
Added ability to clone a group, automatically clones permissions with a option to also copy players