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Бесплатное CovertAdmin 1.0.9

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This plugin allows you to change your chat name, chat formatting (size, tags, colour) and steam icon to blend in as a normal player.


  • covertadmin.use - players with this permission can use all commands listed below
  • /covert - this will set you into covert mode with a randomly assigned name and ID that is defined in the config (this command is also used to disable covert mode)
  • /covert "name" - this will set you into covert mode with the specified name and the "?" chat icon
  • /covert "name" "steamID" - this will set you into covert mode with the specified name and chat icon that links to the input steamID
Default Configuration File:
  "Settings": {
    "Covert Name Colour": "#54A7FB", - this sets the covert chat colour
    "Covert Names": {
      "RandomName1": "randomSteamID", - make sure to change this to an actual ID before using the plugin
      "RandomName2": "76561198381967577" - my ID (i recommend changing this)
    "Message Size": "15", - specify the size of the text that is output
    "Tags": "" - specify any chat tags / tag colours (can be used for clans, donator tags etc)

Please note: This plugin is not currently working as a full admin spoofing tool, and should only currently be used as a way to communicate in chat under another players name.
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Go fully undercover to disguise your chat
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  1. 1.0.9

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  2. 1.0.8

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Скидка CovertAdmin 1.0.9 ₽59.50 ₽70.00
This plugin allows you to change your chat name, chat formatting (size, tags, colour) and steam icon
1.00 звёзд 1 оценок