Скидка F1 Spawn 1.0.8

  "Bypass checks if Admin ? ": true,
  "Bypass checks if Moderator ? ": true,
  "Enable Debug Log to show F1 Spawn usage ? ": true,
  "Disable the 1000 quantity button ? ": false,
  "Disbale the 100 quantity button ? ": false,
  "Blacklist 1 Items : ": [
    "Satchel Charge",
    "Timed Explosive Charge"
  "Blacklist 2 Items : ": [
    "Beancan Grenade",
    "F1 Grenade"
  "Allowed list 1 Items : ": [
    "Building Plan"
  "Allowed list 2 Items : ": [
  "Delay Time between F1 spawn command usage : ": 1.0