Платное Skyfall 2.0.5

"noperms": "You don't have permission to use this command.",
"commandnotfound": "Command was not found, please try again.",
"undercooldown": "Skyfall Cooldown Active, please wait : ",
"cooldownremoved": "Skyfall Cooldown removed !! ",
"skyfallfull": "Skyfall is FULL, please wait and try again.",
"alreadymounted": "You are already mounted !!",
"openchute": "Press your 'RELOAD' Key to open your chute when your ready !!!!",
"onground": "You are too close to the ground or object to open the Skyfall Chute !!",
"readytodismount": "<color=red>SAFTEY RELEASED !!!</color> PRESS <color=black>[JUMP KEY]</color> again to cut parachute away.. warning you will Freefall !!!",
"onplanemount": " PRESS <color=black>[JUMP KEY]</color> to jump out of plane\nParachute will AUTO open 2 - 3 Seconds After Jumping!!",
"usagemessage": "Use <color=black>[FWD, BACK, LEFT and RIGHT]</color> Keys to Speed UP, Slow Down and Turn\nPRESS <color=black>[JUMP KEY]</color> to cut away parachute and Free Fall !!"