Плагин Water Patrol 1.0.8


29 (94%)
5 Мар 2019
Water Patrol (Npc Spawn Inculded) - Water Patrol is a plugin that spawns in NPC-controlled RHIBS

About Water Patrol​

Water Patrol is a plugin that spawns in NPC-controlled RHIBS that patrols the ocean and coastline searching for players. Once engaged, players have the choice to attack them for loot or flee for their lives!

This plugin will spawn RHIBs with NPCs on your server that will patrol the water and chase any players that they notice

The player has the option of escaping the raiding patrol, or they can...
ezpz обновил(а) ресурс Water Patrol (Npc Spawn Inculded) новой записью:

What's New in Version 1.0.1

- Fixed a bug when the boat went ashore and the FPS of the server dropped very much (there was a possibility of disconnecting the server)
- Fixed a bug where the boat could stop at any point and not continue moving and that consumed a lot of FPS server
- Fixed an issue where the boat could circle around one point
- Fixed the FPS drop problem when using Vanish near the boat
- Added an explosion of the boat if it came ashore by inertia

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ezpz обновил(а) ресурс Water Patrol (Npc Spawn Inculded) новой записью:

What's New in Version 1.0.2

  • Added Added a marker on the map for each preset of boats (can be enabled and disabled in the configuration)
  • Added the boat engine power parameter to the configuration of each preset
  • Added Added a parameter for the time of the explosion of the boat after hitting the ground (it is best to use a small value to improve performance)
  • Added Added a parameter to the...

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WOLF SPIRIT обновил(а) ресурс Water Patrol новой записью:


- Добавлена возможность указать в конфигурации пользовательские места появления лодок на карте
- Исправлена ошибка, когда лодки проплывали Грузом насквозь, теперь лодки взрываются, аналогично тому, как они взрываются при ударе о берег
- Оптимизация внешнего вида лодок

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