Максимальная производительность для ваших игровых серверов!
Заказать сейчасПлагин HeliSignals устанавливает значение True (Boolean), а плагин NpcSpawn устанавливает значение False (Boolean). Это приводит к конфликту, так как невозможно определить, какое значение должно быть использовано. Настройки измени.Добрый день.
С чем это связано и как убрать?
Calling hook CanEntityTakeDamage resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: HeliSignals - True (Boolean), NpcSpawn (False (Boolean))
какие?)Плагин HeliSignals устанавливает значение True (Boolean), а плагин NpcSpawn устанавливает значение False (Boolean). Это приводит к конфликту, так как невозможно определить, какое значение должно быть использовано. Настройки измени.
У меня нет этих плагинов =) Точнее одного, я вам сказал по ошибке =)какие?)
There are important changes in this update. Please read the description and check out the default config on the page to see how these work.
- Fixed: Error spam under certain conditions where Heli would spawn or move under the map/water
- Added: Config option to always block damage to a list of specified entities
- Added: Config option to give XP as a reward (requires XPerience plugin)
- Added: Config option to specify number of helis spawned with a signal - default 1 (new...
- Fixed: Wave signals not being purchasable via buy command
- Added: Separate skin IDs in the config for default wave signals (prevents item name stacking bug)
- Fixed: Compatibility with Carbon (Helis now fire rockets on Carbon servers)
- Fixed: Heli not firing rockets in some circumstances on Oxide
- Fixed: NRE console error message
- Fixed: Heli flying away and not returning when it should
- Fixed: Heli signals not enabled for buying showing up in the buy list
waiting for new update , later i will update it
- Fixed: Hook conflict with NpcSpawn
- Fixed: OnEntityTakeDamage NullReferenceException error
- Fixed: Occasional bug where killed heli regains HP and is then invincible
- Fixed: Memory leak leading to high RAM usage, poor performance/stuttering in certain cases (Thanks Death for the help)
- Updated: Code clean up and edits for better performance
- Added: Option to award XP via SkillTree instead of XPerience
- Added: Option to award XP including players XP boosts
noted , i will inform itWave helicopters stopped working, many admins have this problem
The first helicopter arrives, and that’s it (tried a clean setup)
After the first helicopter, time passes and then an error appears in the console:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object