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Платное InjuriesAndDiseases 1.3.1

Версия Дата выпуска Скачивания Оценка
1.3.1 1 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.3.1 2 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
1.3.1 2 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
Исправлена ошибка
исправление NRE в двух методах
Исправлено NRE в хуке OnItemAction
- Fixed duplicate messages appearing when being inflicting more than once
- Update Z13Virus config to by default have the "zombie" value. This value can be used to denote entities that are spawned by the ZombieHorde plugin.
- Added option for support with the BotReSpawn plugin. Use the value "botrespawn" under Infliction Entities to have it so botrespawn npcs will inflict the condition.
- Fixed issue where "ghost statuses" would sometimes be present on server restart
- Dropped support for CustomStatusFramework in favor of SimpleStatus
- Large parts of the code of been rewritten to optimize performance
- Rabies, Z13Virus, and Tapeworm now by default have 'unlimited' duration, this can be changed in the config
- Statuses should now correctly be removed upon death, even when the player is disconnected
- Fixed many bugs and inconsistencies with statuses
- Several API methods now use player user ids instead of base player
- Added config option 'Infliction Damage Action' this can specify what kind of attack needs to be made to be inflicted. This value can be any, melee, or ranged. Z13Virus and Rabies will by default be set to melee.
- By default Z13Virus can now be inflicted from melee attacks of scientistnpc_heavy entities. This is the entity type that the plugin Zombie Horde uses, so these zombies should infect you now. The heavy scientists from Oil Rig won't because they use guns and not melee.
- Images can now be asset paths in addition to image libary pngs. Asset paths must start with "assets/", by default the undiagnosed image will use an asset path.
- Removed Damage Overlay from config - this is being replaced with a hardcoded sprite
- Moved image hosting from Imgur to ibb.co, hopefully this will not throttle downloads and it won't be necessary for people to host the images themselves. Only time will tell though
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Blacky
  • Fixed issue where config values would not always properly load. This could be the root cause of A LOT of reported issues that I haven't been able to reproduce. They should be fixed now.
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Исправлена проблема, из-за которой сообщения о состоянии CSF не очищались сразу после возрождения.

Исправлена ошибка при нападении сущности
Теперь вы можете указать только определенные скины для лечения/инфликционных предметов.

Исправлена проблема, из-за которой сообщения о состоянии CSF не очищались сразу после возрождения.