Плагин SkinBox 2.2.17

Не удалось запустить таймер 0,05 в «SkinBox v2.2.11» (MissingMethodException: Метод не найден: void Facepunch.Pool.FreeUnmanaged<!0>(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<!!0>&)) в Oxide.Ext.Chaos.UIFramework.UIContainerPool.Free[T] (T& t) [0x0000e] в <57f588fb91054659a1c1871e94ef78c4>:0 в Oxide.Ext.Chaos.UIFramework.ChaosUI.Show (BasePlayer player, Oxide.Ext.Chaos.UIFramework.BaseContainer baseContainer, System.Boolean recycle) [0x00038] в <57f588fb91054659a1c1871e94ef78c4>:0 в Oxide.Plugins.SkinBox+LootHandler.CreateOverlay () [0x00032] в <cdb21ca4fac748299c1817e08018aae1>:0 в Oxide.Plugins.SkinBox+LootHandler.set_Looter (значение BasePlayer) [0x00007] в <cdb21ca4fac748299c1817e08018aae1>:0 в Oxide.Plugins.SkinBox+<>c__DisplayClass37_0`1[T].<CreateSkinBox>b__0 () [0x00000] в <cdb21ca4fac748299c1817e08018aae1>:0 в Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] в <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
Не удалось запустить таймер 0,05 в «SkinBox v2.2.11» (MissingMethodException: Метод не найден: void Facepunch.Pool.FreeUnmanaged<!0>(System.Collections.Generic.List`1<!!0>&)) в Oxide.Ext.Chaos.UIFramework.UIContainerPool.Free[T] (T& t) [0x0000e] в <57f588fb91054659a1c1871e94ef78c4>:0 в Oxide.Ext.Chaos.UIFramework.ChaosUI.Show (BasePlayer player, Oxide.Ext.Chaos.UIFramework.BaseContainer baseContainer, System.Boolean recycle) [0x00038] в <57f588fb91054659a1c1871e94ef78c4>:0 в Oxide.Plugins.SkinBox+LootHandler.CreateOverlay () [0x00032] в <cdb21ca4fac748299c1817e08018aae1>:0 в Oxide.Plugins.SkinBox+LootHandler.set_Looter (значение BasePlayer) [0x00007] в <cdb21ca4fac748299c1817e08018aae1>:0 в Oxide.Plugins.SkinBox+<>c__DisplayClass37_0`1[T].<CreateSkinBox>b__0 () [0x00000] в <cdb21ca4fac748299c1817e08018aae1>:0 в Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.FireCallback () [0x00018] в <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0
is there a valid reason as to why you're expecting it to work on a test build?
Ignored unexpected plugin compilation failure: SkinBox
Ignored unexpected plugin compilation failure: SkinBox
Error while compiling SkinBox: The type or namespace name 'Chaos' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 19, Pos: 25
Error while compiling SkinBox: The type or namespace name 'Chaos' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 19, Pos: 25
В чём проблема? Сервер перезапускал, не помогает
Error while compiling SkinBox: 'PlayerInventory' does not contain a definition for 'AllItemsNoAlloc' and no accessible extension method 'AllItemsNoAlloc' accepting a first argument of type 'PlayerInventory' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) | Line: 3428, Pos: 34
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