Плагин Teleport GUI 2.0.19

Error while compiling TeleportGUI: The type or namespace name 'Chaos' does not exist in the namespace 'Oxide.Ext' (are you missing an assembly reference?) | Line: 22, Pos: 25

что за ошибка?
SAMEONE обновил(а) ресурс Teleport GUI новой записью:


Record positions for /homeback functionality
Fixed incorrect localization string when /homeback without a valid return location

Added permission "teleportgui.warps.back"
Added permission "teleportgui.warps.back.bypass"
Added chat command /warpback and required functionality

Auto accept friends only allows auto accept when players are mutual friends
Added config option "[Friends Plugin] Only shows friends that are mutual friends in player list (slow)". This option is slow and its...

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