Конечно! Вот пример плагина на C# для игры Rust, который увеличивает спавн бочек на воде.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("IncreasedBarrelSpawn", "YourName", "1.0.0")]
[Description("Increases the spawn rate of barrels on water")]
public class IncreasedBarrelSpawn : RustPlugin
// Configuration options
private Configuration config;
public class Configuration
public float BarrelSpawnMultiplier { get; set; }
protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
config = new Configuration
BarrelSpawnMultiplier = 2.0f
private void OnServerInitialized(bool isInitial)
if (isInitial)
private void ModifyBarrelSpawn()
var resourceSpawns = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<ResourceSpawnPoint>();
foreach (var spawn in resourceSpawns)
if (spawn.resourceType == ResourceType.Barrel)
spawn.maxDensity *= config.BarrelSpawnMultiplier;
Этот плагин также использует API Oxide для разработки плагинов для Rust на C#. Он увеличивает спавн бочек на воде путем умножения максимальной плотности спавна на заданный множитель.
Для установки плагина сохраните его в папку
на вашем сервере Rust и перезагрузите сервер. После этого бочки на воде будут спавниться с увеличенной интенсивностью, заданной в конфигурационном файле плагина.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Oxide.Core;
using UnityEngine;
using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
using Network;
///Скачано с дискорд сервера Rust Edit [PRO+]
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("VirtualQuarries", "discord.gg/9vyTXsJyKR", "2.3.0")]
public class VirtualQuarries : RustPlugin
[PluginReference] private readonly Plugin ImageLibrary, PopUpAPI, ServerRewards, Economics, IQEconomic, BankSystem;
private static VirtualQuarries _plugin;
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, CachedSurvey> cachedSurveys = new Dictionary<ulong, CachedSurvey>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, List<RequiredItem>> cachedRequirements = new Dictionary<ulong, List<RequiredItem>>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, string> cachedSort = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, int> cachedPage = new Dictionary<ulong, int>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<string, int>> cachedQuarryCount = new Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<string, int>>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, string> cachedSurveyType = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
private readonly Dictionary<ulong, ulong> cachedInventories = new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>();
private string imagePrefix = "";
private class CachedSurvey
public string profile = string.Empty;
public List<QuarryResource> resources = new List<QuarryResource>();
private void Init()
_plugin = this;
config = Config.ReadObject<PluginConfig>();
private void OnServerInitialized()
if (config.economyPlugin == 1 && Economics == null)
PrintWarning("Economics plugin not found! You will not be able to upgrade your quarries with server currency!");
else if (config.economyPlugin == 2 && ServerRewards == null)
PrintWarning("ServerRewards plugin not found! You will not be able to upgrade your quarries with server currency!");
else if (config.economyPlugin == 3 && IQEconomic == null)
PrintWarning("IQEconomic plugin not found! You will not be able to upgrade your quarries with server currency!");
else if (config.economyPlugin == 4 && BankSystem == null)
PrintWarning("BankSystem plugin not found! You will not be able to upgrade your quarries with server currency!");
if (ImageLibrary == null)
PrintWarning("ImageLibrary plugin not found! It is required for all images to work!");
if (PopUpAPI == null)
PrintWarning("PopUpAPI plugin not found! The Pop-Up messages will not display!");
if (config.surveyThrow)
if (config.overrideIcons)
imagePrefix = "custom_";
https://images.pvrust.eu/ui_icons/VirtualQuarries/arrow_right_0.png", "UI_VirtualQuarries_arrow_right_0", 0);
https://images.pvrust.eu/ui_icons/VirtualQuarries/arrow_left_0.png", "UI_VirtualQuarries_arrow_left_0", 0);
https://images.pvrust.eu/ui_icons/VirtualQuarries/shared_0.png", "UI_VirtualQuarries_shared_0", 0);
https://images.pvrust.eu/ui_icons/VirtualQuarries/search_0.png", "UI_VirtualQuarries_search_0", 0);
if (config.requirePermission)
permission.RegisterPermission("virtualquarries.use", this);
if (config.sharingRequirePermission)
permission.RegisterPermission("virtualquarries.share", this);
if (config.quarryPerm)
permission.RegisterPermission("virtualquarries.static.quarry", this);
if (config.pumpJackPerm)
permission.RegisterPermission("virtualquarries.static.pumpjack", this);
foreach (var permissionKey in config.permissions.Keys)
permission.RegisterPermission(permissionKey, this);
foreach (var permissionKey in config.surveys.Values)
if (permissionKey.permission != string.Empty)
permission.RegisterPermission(permissionKey.permission, this);
foreach (var permissionKey in config.quarryProfiles.Values)
if (permissionKey.permission != string.Empty)
permission.RegisterPermission(permissionKey.permission, this);
foreach (var resourceKey in permissionKey.resources.Values)
if (resourceKey.permission != string.Empty)
permission.RegisterPermission(resourceKey.permission, this);
if (config.storeContainers)
timer.Every(config.containerSaveInterval, () => SaveContainers());
foreach (var command in config.commandList)
cmd.AddChatCommand(command, this, nameof(VirtualQuarriesCommand));
foreach (var profile in config.quarryProfiles.Values)
if (profile.icon.iconUrl != "")
AddImage(profile.icon.iconUrl, $"{imagePrefix}{profile.icon.shortname}", profile.icon.skin);
foreach (var resource in profile.resources)
if (resource.Value.iconUrl != "")
AddImage(resource.Value.iconUrl, $"{imagePrefix}{resource.Value.shortname}", resource.Value.skin);
foreach (var additional in resource.Value.additionalItems)
if (additional.iconUrl != "")
AddImage(additional.iconUrl, $"{imagePrefix}{additional.shortname}", additional.skin);
foreach (var upgrade in profile.upgrades)
foreach (var item in upgrade.requiredItems)
if (item.iconUrl != "")
AddImage(item.iconUrl, $"{imagePrefix}{item.shortname}", item.skin);
foreach (var survey in config.surveys.Values)
if (survey.surveyItem.iconUrl != "")
AddImage(survey.surveyItem.iconUrl, $"{imagePrefix}{survey.surveyItem.shortname}", survey.surveyItem.skin);
if (config.staticQuarries)
foreach (var quarry in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType<MiningQuarry>())
quarry.engineSwitchPrefab.instance.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.On, true);
quarry.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.On, true);
foreach (var quarry in data.staticQuarries.ToList())
if (quarry.Key == ulong.MaxValue) continue;
MiningQuarry quarryEnt = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(quarry.Key) as MiningQuarry;
if (quarryEnt == null)
foreach (var user in quarry.Value)
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(user.Value) as BoxStorage;
foreach (var user in quarry.Value)
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(user.Value) as BoxStorage;
if (storage == null) continue;
GroundWatch gw = storage.GetComponent<GroundWatch>();
if (gw != null) GameObject.Destroy(gw);
DestroyOnGroundMissing dogm = storage.GetComponent<DestroyOnGroundMissing>();
if (dogm != null) GameObject.Destroy(dogm);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = storage.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (fuelStorage != null)
gw = fuelStorage.GetComponent<GroundWatch>();
if (gw != null) GameObject.Destroy(gw);
dogm = fuelStorage.GetComponent<DestroyOnGroundMissing>();
if (dogm != null) GameObject.Destroy(dogm);
VirtualQuarry vQuarry = storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (vQuarry == null)
vQuarry = storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
vQuarry.staticQuarry = quarryEnt;
NextTick(() => vQuarry.SetupQuarry());
if (config.excavatorQuarry)
if (config.excavatorResources.Count < 4)
PrintWarning("You don't have all 4 resources required to run excavator properly! Generating new ones...");
config.excavatorResources = new Dictionary<string, List<StaticQuarryOutput>>()
{ "Stone", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "stones",
amount = 5000
} },
{ "Metal", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "metal.fragments",
amount = 2500
} },
{ "Sulfur", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "sulfur.ore",
amount = 1000
} },
{ "HQM", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "hq.metal.ore",
amount = 50
} }
foreach (var arm in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.OfType<ExcavatorArm>())
arm.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.Reserved8, true);
if (data.staticQuarries.ContainsKey(ulong.MaxValue))
foreach (var user in data.staticQuarries[ulong.MaxValue])
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(user.Value) as BoxStorage;
if (storage == null) continue;
GroundWatch gw = storage.GetComponent<GroundWatch>();
if (gw != null) GameObject.Destroy(gw);
DestroyOnGroundMissing dogm = storage.GetComponent<DestroyOnGroundMissing>();
if (dogm != null) GameObject.Destroy(dogm);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = storage.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (fuelStorage != null)
gw = fuelStorage.GetComponent<GroundWatch>();
if (gw != null) GameObject.Destroy(gw);
dogm = fuelStorage.GetComponent<DestroyOnGroundMissing>();
if (dogm != null) GameObject.Destroy(dogm);
VirtualQuarry vQuarry = storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (vQuarry == null)
vQuarry = storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
vQuarry.excavator = true;
NextTick(() => vQuarry.SetupQuarry());
if (!config.staticQuarries && !config.excavatorQuarry)
if (!config.excavatorLockDrops)
foreach (var quarry in data.quarries)
cachedQuarryCount.TryAdd(quarry.Value.owner, new Dictionary<string, int>());
cachedQuarryCount[quarry.Value.owner].TryAdd(quarry.Value.profile, 0);
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(quarry.Value.netId) as BoxStorage;
VirtualQuarry vQuarry = storage?.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (storage == null)
SpawnQuarry(quarry.Value.owner, quarry.Key);
storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(quarry.Value.netId) as BoxStorage;
GroundWatch gw = storage.GetComponent<GroundWatch>();
if (gw != null) GameObject.Destroy(gw);
DestroyOnGroundMissing dogm = storage.GetComponent<DestroyOnGroundMissing>();
if (dogm != null) GameObject.Destroy(dogm);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = storage.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (fuelStorage != null)
gw = fuelStorage.GetComponent<GroundWatch>();
if (gw != null) GameObject.Destroy(gw);
dogm = fuelStorage.GetComponent<DestroyOnGroundMissing>();
if (dogm != null) GameObject.Destroy(dogm);
if (vQuarry == null)
vQuarry = storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (!config.quarryProfiles.ContainsKey(quarry.Value.profile))
PrintWarning($"There is a quarry with profile '{quarry.Value.profile}' but it is missing in the configuration!");
List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = config.quarryProfiles[quarry.Value.profile].upgrades;
(storage.children[0] as BoxStorage).inventory.capacity = 6;
if (quarry.Value.level < upgrades.Count)
storage.inventory.capacity = upgrades[quarry.Value.level].capacity;
PrintWarning($"Quarry with ID {quarry.Key} have more upgrades than is added to config! You need to add more levels or remove this quarry from data, or plugin will print errors!");
vQuarry = storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
vQuarry.dataId = quarry.Key;
if (storage != null)
NextTick(() => vQuarry.SetupQuarry());
foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
playerCache.TryAdd(player.userID, player.displayName);
playerCache[player.userID] = player.displayName;
private void Unload()
if (config.storeContainers)
foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_NewCursor");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Back");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels");
if (cachedInventories.ContainsKey(player.userID))
foreach (var netId in data.quarries.Values)
BoxStorage quarry = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(netId.netId) as BoxStorage;
if (quarry != null)
foreach (var quarryId in data.staticQuarries.ToList())
foreach (var player in quarryId.Value)
BoxStorage quarry = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(player.Value) as BoxStorage;
if (quarry != null)
private void OnNewSave()
config = Config.ReadObject<PluginConfig>();
if (config.wipeData)
data = new PluginData();
if (config.consoleLogs)
Puts("Plugin data has been wiped successfully!");
private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player)
playerCache.TryAdd(player.userID, player.displayName);
playerCache[player.userID] = player.displayName;
private void OnLootEntityEnd(BasePlayer player)
if (cachedInventories.ContainsKey(player.userID))
NextTick(() => {
if (cachedInventories[player.userID] != 0)
BaseEntity entity = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(cachedInventories[player.userID]) as BaseEntity;
if (entity != null && !entity.IsDestroyed)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Back");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels");
private void OnExplosiveThrown(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity, ThrownWeapon item)
if (item.ShortPrefabName.Contains("survey_charge") && item.skinID == 0)
Item survey = ItemManager.CreateByName("surveycharge");
NextTick(() => player.GiveItem(survey));
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoSurveyThrow", player.UserIDString, config.commandList[0]));
private object OnEntityTakeDamage(BoxStorage entity)
if (entity.transform.position.y < -390) return false;
return null;
private void OnQuarryToggled(MiningQuarry quarry, BasePlayer player)
quarry.engineSwitchPrefab.instance.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.On, true);
quarry.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.On, true);
private object OnExcavatorResourceSet(ExcavatorArm arm, string type, BasePlayer player)
if (!data.staticQuarries.ContainsKey(ulong.MaxValue) || !data.staticQuarries[ulong.MaxValue].ContainsKey(player.userID))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("OpenStorageFirst", player.UserIDString));
return false;
ulong storageId = data.staticQuarries[ulong.MaxValue][player.userID];
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(storageId) as BoxStorage;
if (storage == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("ErrorOccured", player.UserIDString));
return false;
storage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>().mineType = type;
if (!arm.IsOn())
arm.SetFlag(BaseEntity.Flags.On, true);
ExcavatorServerEffects.SetMining(true, true);
return false;
private object OnExcavatorSuppliesRequest(ExcavatorArm arm, BasePlayer player)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoAirDrops", player.UserIDString));
return false;
private object CanLootEntity(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer storage)
if (config.excavatorQuarry && storage is ExcavatorOutputPile)
ExcavatorOutputPile excavatorStorage = storage as ExcavatorOutputPile;
if (config.excavatorPerm && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.static.excavator"))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermissionQuarry", player.UserIDString));
return false;
ulong excavatorId = ulong.MaxValue;
data.staticQuarries.TryAdd(excavatorId, new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>());
if (!data.staticQuarries[excavatorId].ContainsKey(player.userID))
int worldSize = Convert.ToInt32(World.Size);
float startX = -worldSize / 1.5f;
float startZ = worldSize / 1.5f;
Vector3 newLocation = new Vector3(startX + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50), -400, startZ + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50));
BoxStorage resourceStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
resourceStorage.inventory.capacity = config.staticResourceSize;
data.staticQuarries[excavatorId].Add(player.userID, resourceStorage.net.ID);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
fuelStorage.transform.position = newLocation + new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0);
fuelStorage.inventory.capacity = 6;
VirtualQuarry vQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (vQuarry == null)
vQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
vQuarry.excavator = true;
NextTick(() => { vQuarry.SetupQuarry(); OpenExcavatorQuarry(player, excavatorStorage); });
OpenExcavatorQuarry(player, excavatorStorage);
return false;
else if (config.excavatorQuarry && storage is DieselEngine)
DieselEngine dieselStorage = storage as DieselEngine;
if (config.excavatorPerm && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.static.excavator"))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermissionQuarry", player.UserIDString));
return false;
ulong excavatorId = ulong.MaxValue;
data.staticQuarries.TryAdd(excavatorId, new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>());
if (!data.staticQuarries[excavatorId].ContainsKey(player.userID))
int worldSize = Convert.ToInt32(World.Size);
float startX = -worldSize / 1.5f;
float startZ = worldSize / 1.5f;
Vector3 newLocation = new Vector3(startX + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50), -400, startZ + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50));
BoxStorage resourceStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
resourceStorage.inventory.capacity = config.staticResourceSize;
data.staticQuarries[excavatorId].Add(player.userID, resourceStorage.net.ID.Value);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
fuelStorage.transform.position = newLocation + new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0);
fuelStorage.inventory.capacity = 6;
VirtualQuarry vQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (vQuarry == null)
vQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
vQuarry.excavator = true;
NextTick(() => { vQuarry.SetupQuarry(); OpenExcavatorQuarry(player, dieselStorage); });
OpenExcavatorQuarry(player, dieselStorage);
return false;
else if (config.staticQuarries && storage is ResourceExtractorFuelStorage)
ResourceExtractorFuelStorage quarryStorage = storage as ResourceExtractorFuelStorage;
MiningQuarry quarry = quarryStorage.GetParentEntity() as MiningQuarry;
if (config.quarryPerm && quarry.ShortPrefabName == "mininquarry_static" && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.static.quarry"))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermissionQuarry", player.UserIDString));
return false;
else if (config.pumpJackPerm && quarry.ShortPrefabName == "pumpjack-static" && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.static.pumpjack"))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermissionPumpJack", player.UserIDString));
return false;
data.staticQuarries.TryAdd(quarry.net.ID.Value, new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>());
if (!data.staticQuarries[quarry.net.ID.Value].ContainsKey(player.userID))
int worldSize = Convert.ToInt32(World.Size);
float startX = -worldSize / 1.5f;
float startZ = worldSize / 1.5f;
Vector3 newLocation = new Vector3(startX + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50), -400, startZ + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50));
BoxStorage resourceStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
resourceStorage.inventory.capacity = config.staticResourceSize;
data.staticQuarries[quarry.net.ID.Value].Add(player.userID, resourceStorage.net.ID.Value);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
fuelStorage.transform.position = newLocation + new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0);
fuelStorage.inventory.capacity = 6;
VirtualQuarry vQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (vQuarry == null)
vQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
vQuarry.staticQuarry = quarry;
NextTick(() => { vQuarry.SetupQuarry(); OpenStaticQuarry(player, quarryStorage, quarry); });
OpenStaticQuarry(player, quarryStorage, quarry);
return false;
return null;
private void VirtualQuarriesConsoleCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
BasePlayer player = arg.Player();
if (config.requirePermission && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.use"))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermission", player.UserIDString));
switch (arg.Args[0])
case "close":
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_NewCursor");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players");
case "new":
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
case "back":
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_NewCursor");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Back");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels");
if (arg.Args.Length == 1)
ShowQuarryMenuUI(player, 1, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]));
case "throw_open":
cachedSurveyType.TryAdd(player.userID, "");
cachedSurveyType[player.userID] = arg.Args[1];
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
ShowNewQuarryUI(player, true);
case "throw":
case "place":
case "view":
ShowQuarryMenuUI(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]), Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[2]));
case "engine":
TryStartQuarry(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]));
case "fuel":
TryOpenFuelContainer(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]));
case "storage":
TryOpenResourceContainer(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]));
case "delete":
TryRemoveQuarry(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]));
case "sortOwned":
ChangeSort(player, "owned");
case "sortShared":
ChangeSort(player, "shared");
case "sortDisable":
ChangeSort(player, "disable");
case "page":
int page = Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]);
cachedPage.TryAdd(player.userID, page);
cachedPage[player.userID] = page;
ShowQuarryMenuUI(player, page);
case "action":
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
if (arg.Args.Length == 2)
ManageQuarryPlayersUI(player, arg.Args[1]);
else if (arg.Args.Length == 3)
ManageQuarryPlayersUI(player, arg.Args[1], Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[2]));
else if (arg.Args.Length == 4)
ManageQuarryPlayersUI(player, arg.Args[1], Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[2]), Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[3]));
else if (arg.Args.Length >= 5)
ManageQuarryPlayersUI(player, arg.Args[1], Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[2]), Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[3]), arg.Args[4]);
case "doAction":
ManageQuarryUser(player, arg.Args[1], Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[2]), Convert.ToUlong64(arg.Args[3]));
case "list":
ShowQuarryAccessList(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]));
case "upgrade":
TryUpgradeQuarry(player, Convert.ToInt32(arg.Args[1]), arg.Args[2]);
private void VirtualQuarriesCommand(BasePlayer player) => ShowQuarryMenuUI(player);
private void ShowQuarryAccessList(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
if (data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID && !data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return;
string accessList = Lang("AccessListStart", player.UserIDString);
foreach (var playerId in data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers)
accessList += Lang("AccessListList", player.UserIDString, playerCache[playerId]);
if (accessList == Lang("AccessListStart", player.UserIDString))
accessList += Lang("AccessListNoAdded", player.UserIDString);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, accessList, 10f, "Hud.Menu", 12);
private void TryUpgradeQuarry(BasePlayer player, int quarryId, string type)
if (data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID && !data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return;
QuarryData quarry = data.quarries[quarryId];
List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].upgrades;
if (type == "currency")
if (config.economyPlugin == 1)
if (Economics.Call<double>("Balance", player.userID) >= upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp)
Economics.Call("Withdraw", player.userID, Convert.ToDouble(upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp));
UpgradeQuarry(player, quarryId);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NotEnoughCurrency", player.UserIDString));
else if (config.economyPlugin == 2)
if (ServerRewards.Call<int>("CheckPoints", player.userID) >= upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp)
ServerRewards.Call("TakePoints", player.userID, upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp);
UpgradeQuarry(player, quarryId);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NotEnoughCurrency", player.UserIDString));
else if (config.economyPlugin == 3)
if (IQEconomic.Call<int>("API_GET_BALANCE", player.userID) >= upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp)
IQEconomic.Call("API_REMOVE_BALANCE", player.userID, upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp);
UpgradeQuarry(player, quarryId);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NotEnoughCurrency", player.UserIDString));
else if (config.economyPlugin == 4)
if (BankSystem.Call<int>("Balance", player.userID) >= upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp)
BankSystem.Call("Withdraw", player.userID, upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredRp);
UpgradeQuarry(player, quarryId);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NotEnoughCurrency", player.UserIDString));
if (!TakeResources(player, upgrades[quarry.level + 1].requiredItems))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NotEnoughItems", player.UserIDString));
UpgradeQuarry(player, quarryId);
private void UpgradeQuarry(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels");
QuarryData quarry = data.quarries[quarryId];
List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].upgrades;
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(quarry.netId) as BoxStorage;
if (storage == null) return;
storage.inventory.capacity = upgrades[quarry.level].capacity;
Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/deployable/quarry/effects/mining-quarry-deploy.prefab", player.transform.position);
Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/promote_toptier.prefab", player.transform.position);
Interface.CallHook("OnQuarryUpgraded", player, quarry.level, quarry.profile);
timer.Once(0.2f, () => TryOpenResourceContainer(player, quarryId));
if (config.consoleLogs)
Puts($"Player {player.displayName} ({player.userID}) upgraded his quarry with ID {quarryId} to level {quarry.level + 1}.");
private void ManageQuarryUser(BasePlayer player, string type, int quarryId, ulong userId)
if (quarryId != 0 && !data.quarries.ContainsKey(quarryId)) return;
if (quarryId != 0 && data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID && !data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return;
if (type.Contains("addAll"))
foreach (var quarry in data.quarries.Values)
if (quarry.owner == player.userID && !quarry.authPlayers.Contains(userId))
else if (type == "remove")
else if (type.Contains("add"))
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players");
ShowQuarryMenuUI(player, 1, quarryId);
private void ChangeSort(BasePlayer player, string type)
if (type == "owned")
cachedSort.TryAdd(player.userID, "owned");
else if (type == "shared")
cachedSort.TryAdd(player.userID, "shared");
private void TryRemoveQuarry(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
if (data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID) return;
if (!player.serverInput.IsDown(BUTTON.SPRINT))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoSprintButton", player.UserIDString));
BoxStorage quarry = GetQuarry(quarryId);
if (config.refundRemove)
List<RequiredItem> refundItems1 = config.quarryProfiles[data.quarries[quarryId].profile].requiredItems;
foreach (var refundItem in refundItems1)
Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(refundItem.shortname, refundItem.amount, refundItem.skin);
if (refundItem.displayName != null && refundItem.displayName != "")
item.name = refundItem.displayName;
if (!item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain))
item.Drop(player.eyes.position, Vector3.zero);
Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig> refundItems2 = config.quarryProfiles[data.quarries[quarryId].profile].resources;
foreach (var resource in data.quarries[quarryId].resources)
foreach (var refundItem in refundItems2[resource.configKey].additionalItems)
Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(refundItem.shortname, refundItem.amount, refundItem.skin);
if (refundItem.displayName != null && refundItem.displayName != "")
item.name = refundItem.displayName;
if (!item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain))
item.Drop(player.eyes.position, Vector3.zero);
foreach (var item in quarry.inventory.itemList.ToList())
if (!item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain))
item.Drop(player.eyes.position, Vector3.zero);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = quarry.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (fuelStorage != null)
foreach (var item in fuelStorage.inventory.itemList.ToList())
if (!item.MoveToContainer(player.inventory.containerMain))
item.Drop(player.eyes.position, Vector3.zero);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("QuarryRemovedRefund", player.UserIDString), 5f, "Overlay");
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("QuarryRemoved", player.UserIDString), 5f, "Overlay");
Interface.CallHook("OnQuarryRemoved", player, data.quarries[quarryId].profile);
if (quarry != null)
if (config.consoleLogs)
Puts($"Player {player.displayName} ({player.userID}) removed quarry with ID {quarryId} with level {data.quarries[quarryId].level}.");
private void TrySurveyThrow(BasePlayer player)
if (!cachedSurveyType.ContainsKey(player.userID)) return;
if (config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].permission != "" && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].permission)) return;
List<RequiredItem> requiredSurvey = new List<RequiredItem>() { config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].surveyItem };
if (!TakeResources(player, requiredSurvey))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoRequiredSurvey", player.UserIDString, Lang(config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].surveyTranslation, player.UserIDString)));
if (config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].effectPath != "")
EffectNetwork.Send(new Effect(config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].effectPath, player, 0, Vector3.zero, Vector3.up), player.net.connection);
cachedSurveys.TryAdd(player.userID, new CachedSurvey());
cachedRequirements.TryAdd(player.userID, new List<RequiredItem>());
cachedSurveys[player.userID] = new CachedSurvey();
cachedRequirements[player.userID] = new List<RequiredItem>();
if (Core.Random.Range(1, 101) > config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].resourceChance)
int sumChance = 0;
foreach (var profile in config.quarryProfiles.Values)
if (profile.surveyType != cachedSurveyType[player.userID]) continue;
if (profile.permission == string.Empty || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, profile.permission))
sumChance += profile.chance;
int rolledProfile = Core.Random.Range(0, sumChance + 1);
sumChance = 0;
string profileKey = string.Empty;
foreach (var profile in config.quarryProfiles)
if (profile.Value.surveyType != cachedSurveyType[player.userID]) continue;
if (profile.Value.permission == string.Empty || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, profile.Value.permission))
sumChance += profile.Value.chance;
if (sumChance >= rolledProfile)
cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile = profile.Key;
profileKey = profile.Key;
Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig> resources = config.quarryProfiles[profileKey].resources;
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (resource.Value.alwaysInclude)
if (resource.Value.permission != string.Empty && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, resource.Value.permission)) continue;
cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Add(new QuarryResource() { configKey = resource.Key, work = Core.Random.Range(resource.Value.outputMin, resource.Value.outputMax) });
List<ResourceConfig> resourceList = new List<ResourceConfig>();
int loopCount = Core.Random.Range(config.quarryProfiles[profileKey].minPerNode, config.quarryProfiles[profileKey].maxPerNode + 1) - cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
int chance = 0;
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (!resource.Value.alwaysInclude && !resourceList.Contains(resource.Value))
chance += resource.Value.chance;
int rolledItem = Core.Random.Range(0, chance + 1);
chance = 0;
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (resource.Value.alwaysInclude || resourceList.Contains(resource.Value)) continue;
if (resource.Value.permission != string.Empty && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, resource.Value.permission)) continue;
chance += resource.Value.chance;
if (chance >= rolledItem)
cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Add(new QuarryResource() { configKey = resource.Key, work = Core.Random.Range(resource.Value.outputMin, resource.Value.outputMax) });
Interface.CallHook("OnCustomSurveyThrow", player, profileKey);
private void TryPlaceQuarry(BasePlayer player)
if (!cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(player.userID) || cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Count == 0) return;
Dictionary<string, int> playerPerm = null;
foreach (var configPerm in config.permissions)
if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, configPerm.Key))
playerPerm = configPerm.Value;
if (playerPerm == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NotAllowedToPlace", player.UserIDString));
cachedQuarryCount.TryAdd(player.userID, new Dictionary<string, int>());
cachedQuarryCount[player.userID].TryAdd(cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile, 0);
if (playerPerm.ContainsKey(cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile) && playerPerm[cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile] <= cachedQuarryCount[player.userID][cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile])
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("TooManyQuarries", player.UserIDString));
if (!TakeResources(player, cachedRequirements[player.userID]))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoRequiredItems", player.UserIDString));
Effect.server.Run("assets/prefabs/deployable/quarry/effects/mining-quarry-deploy.prefab", player.transform.position);
Interface.CallHook("OnQuarryPlaced", player, cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile);
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_NewCursor");
ShowQuarryMenuUI(player, 1, data.quarryCount - 1);
private void TryStartQuarry(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
if (data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID && !data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return;
BoxStorage quarry = GetQuarry(quarryId);
if (quarry == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("ErrorOccured", player.UserIDString));
VirtualQuarry virtualQuarry = quarry.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
bool oldStatus = data.quarries[quarryId].isRunning;
ShowQuarryMenuUI(player, 1, quarryId);
if (oldStatus == false && data.quarries[quarryId].isRunning == false)
FuelItem fuelItem = config.quarryProfiles[data.quarries[quarryId].profile].fuelItem;
string displayedFuelName = fuelItem.skin == 0 ? Lang($"Fuel_{fuelItem.shortname}", player.UserIDString) : Lang($"Fuel_{fuelItem.skin}", player.UserIDString);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoFuelHint", player.UserIDString, (int)Math.Ceiling(fuelItem.amount), displayedFuelName));
else if (oldStatus == false && config.startSound != "")
EffectNetwork.Send(new Effect(config.startSound, player, 0, new Vector3(0, 1.7f, 0), Vector3.up), player.net.connection);
else if (oldStatus == true && config.stopSound != "")
EffectNetwork.Send(new Effect(config.stopSound, player, 0, new Vector3(0, 1.7f, 0), Vector3.up), player.net.connection);
private void TryOpenFuelContainer(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
if (data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID && !data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return;
BoxStorage quarry = GetQuarry(quarryId);
if (quarry == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("ErrorOccured", player.UserIDString));
BaseEntity entity = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/lootables/invisible/invisible_lootable_prefabs/invisible_crate_basic.prefab", player.transform.position + new Vector3(0, -400, 0)) as BaseEntity;
cachedInventories.Add(player.userID, entity.net.ID.Value);
BoxStorage fuelStorage = quarry.children[0] as BoxStorage;
fuelStorage.inventory.canAcceptItem = (item, i) => IsFuel(item, data.quarries[quarryId].profile);
player.inventory.loot.entitySource = entity;
player.inventory.loot.PositionChecks = false;
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "RPC_OpenLootPanel", "generic_resizable");
Interface.CallHook("OnLootEntity", player, fuelStorage);
AddBackButtonUI(player, quarryId);
private void TryOpenResourceContainer(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
if (data.quarries[quarryId].owner != player.userID && !data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) return;
BoxStorage quarry = GetQuarry(quarryId);
if (quarry == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("ErrorOccured", player.UserIDString));
if (!cachedInventories.ContainsKey(player.userID))
cachedInventories.Add(player.userID, 0);
quarry.inventory.canAcceptItem = (item, i) => IsResourceOutput(item);
player.inventory.loot.entitySource = quarry;
player.inventory.loot.PositionChecks = false;
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "RPC_OpenLootPanel", "generic_resizable");
Interface.CallHook("OnLootEntity", player, quarry);
AddQuarryLevelsUI(player, quarryId);
AddBackButtonUI(player, quarryId);
private void OpenStaticQuarry(BasePlayer player, ResourceExtractorFuelStorage quarryStorage, MiningQuarry quarry)
ulong storageId = data.staticQuarries[quarry.net.ID.Value][player.userID];
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(storageId) as BoxStorage;
if (storage == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("ErrorOccured", player.UserIDString));
if (quarryStorage.ShortPrefabName == "fuelstorage")
storage = storage.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (quarryStorage.ShortPrefabName == "fuelstorage")
storage.inventory.canAcceptItem = (item, i) => IsStaticFuel(item);
storage.inventory.canAcceptItem = (item, i) => IsResourceOutput(item);
player.inventory.loot.entitySource = storage;
player.inventory.loot.PositionChecks = false;
player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "RPC_OpenLootPanel", "generic_resizable");
Interface.CallHook("OnLootEntity", player, storage);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("PrivateInventoryInfo", player.UserIDString));
private void OpenExcavatorQuarry(BasePlayer player, StorageContainer excavatorStorage)
ulong storageId = data.staticQuarries[ulong.MaxValue][player.userID];
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(storageId) as BoxStorage;
if (storage == null)
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("ErrorOccured", player.UserIDString));
if (excavatorStorage is DieselEngine)
storage = storage.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (excavatorStorage is DieselEngine)
storage.inventory.canAcceptItem = (item, i) => IsExcavatorFuel(item);
storage.inventory.canAcceptItem = (item, i) => IsResourceOutput(item);
player.inventory.loot.entitySource = storage;
player.inventory.loot.PositionChecks = false;
player.ClientRPCPlayer(null, player, "RPC_OpenLootPanel", "generic_resizable");
Interface.CallHook("OnLootEntity", player, storage);
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("PrivateInventoryInfo", player.UserIDString));
private bool IsFuel(Item item, string profile)
if (item.info.shortname == config.quarryProfiles[profile].fuelItem.shortname && item.skin == config.quarryProfiles[profile].fuelItem.skin) return true;
else return false;
private bool IsStaticFuel(Item item)
if (item.info.shortname == config.staticFuelItem.shortname && item.skin == config.staticFuelItem.skin) return true;
else return false;
private bool IsExcavatorFuel(Item item)
if (item.info.shortname == config.excavatorFuelItem.shortname && item.skin == config.excavatorFuelItem.skin) return true;
else return false;
private static bool IsResourceOutput(Item item)
if (item.GetOwnerPlayer() != null) return false;
return true;
private void SaveContainers()
if (config.consoleLogs)
Puts("Saving quarry containers...");
int containerCount = 0;
foreach (var quarry in data.quarries)
BoxStorage resources = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(quarry.Value.netId) as BoxStorage;
if (resources == null) continue;
SaveItems(resources, quarry.Key, "resource");
BoxStorage fuel = resources.children[0] as BoxStorage;
if (fuel == null) continue;
SaveItems(fuel, quarry.Key, "fuel");
if (config.consoleLogs)
Puts($"Successfully saved {containerCount} quarry containers!");
private void SaveItems(BoxStorage storage, int quarryId, string dataType)
storageCache.TryAdd(quarryId, new StorageData());
if (dataType == "resource")
storageCache[quarryId].resource = new List<RequiredItem>();
foreach (var item in storage.inventory.itemList.ToList())
string name = item.name == null || item.name == "" ? null : item.name;
storageCache[quarryId].resource.Add(new RequiredItem()
shortname = item.info.shortname,
skin = item.skin,
amount = item.amount,
displayName = name
storageCache[quarryId].fuel = new List<RequiredItem>();
foreach (var item in storage.inventory.itemList.ToList())
string name = item.name == null || item.name == "" ? null : item.name;
storageCache[quarryId].fuel.Add(new RequiredItem()
shortname = item.info.shortname,
skin = item.skin,
amount = item.amount,
displayName = name
private BoxStorage GetQuarry(int quarryId)
if (!data.quarries.ContainsKey(quarryId)) return null;
BoxStorage storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(data.quarries[quarryId].netId) as BoxStorage;
if (storage != null) return storage;
SpawnQuarry(0, quarryId);
storage = BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(data.quarries[quarryId].netId) as BoxStorage;
if (storage != null) return storage;
else return null;
private void SpawnQuarry(ulong playerId = 0, int restoreId = -1)
if (restoreId == -1 && (!cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(playerId) || (cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(playerId) && cachedSurveys[playerId].resources.Count == 0))) return;
int worldSize = Convert.ToInt32(World.Size);
float startX = -worldSize / 1.5f;
float startZ = worldSize / 1.5f;
Vector3 newLocation = new Vector3(startX + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50), -400, startZ + Core.Random.Range(-50, 50));
BoxStorage resourceStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
BoxStorage fuelStorage = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(config.storagePrefab, newLocation) as BoxStorage;
fuelStorage.transform.position = newLocation + new Vector3(0, 0.7f, 0);
fuelStorage.inventory.capacity = 6;
VirtualQuarry virtualQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
if (virtualQuarry == null)
virtualQuarry = resourceStorage.GetComponent<VirtualQuarry>();
string profile;
int level = 0;
if (restoreId == -1)
data.quarries.TryAdd(data.quarryCount, new QuarryData()
netId = resourceStorage.net.ID.Value,
owner = playerId,
resources = cachedSurveys[playerId].resources,
profile = cachedSurveys[playerId].profile,
profile = cachedSurveys[playerId].profile;
virtualQuarry.dataId = data.quarryCount;
if (config.consoleLogs)
Puts($"Player {playerId} placed new quarry with ID {data.quarryCount}.");
profile = data.quarries[restoreId].profile;
level = data.quarries[restoreId].level;
data.quarries[restoreId].netId = resourceStorage.net.ID.Value;
virtualQuarry.dataId = restoreId;
List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = config.quarryProfiles[profile].upgrades;
resourceStorage.inventory.capacity = upgrades[level].capacity;
if (config.storeContainers && restoreId != -1 && storageCache.ContainsKey(restoreId))
foreach (var item in storageCache[restoreId].resource)
Item restoreItem = ItemManager.CreateByName(item.shortname, item.amount, item.skin);
if (item.displayName != null && item.displayName != "")
restoreItem.name = item.displayName;
foreach (var item in storageCache[restoreId].fuel)
Item restoreItem = ItemManager.CreateByName(item.shortname, item.amount, item.skin);
if (item.displayName != null && item.displayName != "")
restoreItem.name = item.displayName;
private static bool TakeResources(BasePlayer player, List<RequiredItem> items)
foreach (var requiredItem in items)
bool haveRequired = false;
int inventoryAmount = 0;
foreach (var item in player.inventory.AllItems())
if (item.skin == requiredItem.skin && item.info.shortname == requiredItem.shortname)
inventoryAmount += item.amount;
if (inventoryAmount >= requiredItem.amount)
haveRequired = true;
if (!haveRequired)
return false;
foreach (var requiredItem in items)
int takenItems = 0;
foreach (var item in player.inventory.AllItems())
if (item.skin == requiredItem.skin && item.info.shortname == requiredItem.shortname)
if (takenItems < requiredItem.amount)
if (item.amount > requiredItem.amount - takenItems)
item.amount -= requiredItem.amount - takenItems;
if (item.amount <= requiredItem.amount - takenItems)
takenItems += item.amount;
else break;
return true;
private void ShowQuarryMenuUI(BasePlayer player, int page = 1, int quarryId = -1)
if (config.requirePermission && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.use"))
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermission", player.UserIDString));
CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer();
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "Hud.Menu", "0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddBackgroundPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0 0 0 0.8", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0 0 0 0", "", TextAnchor.UpperCenter, 0, "0 0 0 0", "UI_VirtualQuarries close", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0"); //Background Close Button
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.144 0.128 0.107 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-366 -161", "366 161"); //Background Panel
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-362 131", "362 157"); //Background Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-358 134", "-338 154", "assets/icons/gear.png"); //Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("VirtualQuarriesTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 21, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-334 131", "336 157");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", "✖", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 20, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries close", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "336 131", "362 157");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-362 101", "-5 127"); //Background Quarry List Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-358 104", "-338 124", "assets/icons/clear_list.png"); //Quarry List Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("QuarryListTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-334 101", "-5 127");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 101", "362 127"); //Background Quarry Info Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "3 104", "23 124", "assets/icons/examine.png"); //Quarry Info Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("QuarryInfoTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "27 101", "362 127");
int offsetX = -362;
int offsetY = 56;
int allCount = 0;
int count = 0;
bool morePages = false;
if (cachedPage.ContainsKey(player.userID))
page = cachedPage[player.userID];
foreach (var quarry in data.quarries)
if (quarry.Value.owner != player.userID && !quarry.Value.authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)) continue;
if (cachedSort.ContainsKey(player.userID))
if (cachedSort[player.userID] == "owned" && quarry.Value.owner != player.userID) continue;
else if (cachedSort[player.userID] == "shared" && quarry.Value.owner == player.userID) continue;
if (!config.quarryProfiles.ContainsKey(quarry.Value.profile))
Puts($"Profile {quarry.Value.profile} is missing from the configuration, but is found in data. Quarry with ID {quarry.Key} will not work!");
if (allCount < (40 * page) - 40)
float alpha = 0.05f;
if (quarryId != -1 && quarry.Key == quarryId)
alpha = 0.1f;
if (quarry.Value.isRunning)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", $"0.733 0.851 0.533 {alpha}", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 10, $"0.733 0.851 0.533 {alpha}", $"UI_VirtualQuarries view {page} {quarry.Key}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offsetX} {offsetY}", $"{offsetX + 41} {offsetY + 41}", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", $"0.941 0.486 0.302 {alpha}", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 10, $"0.941 0.486 0.302 {alpha}", $"UI_VirtualQuarries view {page} {quarry.Key}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offsetX} {offsetY}", $"{offsetX + 41} {offsetY + 41}", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", $"{imagePrefix}{config.quarryProfiles[quarry.Value.profile].icon.shortname}", config.quarryProfiles[quarry.Value.profile].icon.skin, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-16 -16", "16 16"); //Quarry Icon
if (quarry.Value.authPlayers.Contains(player.userID))
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "UI_VirtualQuarries_shared_0", 0, "1 0", "1 0", "-12 0", "-1 11", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1"); //Quarry Shared Icon
if (config.quarryProfiles[quarry.Value.profile].enableUpgrades)
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "0.729 0.694 0.659 0.8", $"{quarry.Value.level + 1}", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 26, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-18 -18", "18 18"); //Quarry Level
offsetX += 45;
if (count % 8 == 0)
offsetY -= 45;
offsetX = -362;
if (count > 39)
morePages = true;
if (count >= 40) break;
if (count < 40)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", "+", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 33, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries new", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offsetX} {offsetY}", $"{offsetX + 41} {offsetY + 41}");
if (page > 1)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 9, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries page {page - 1}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-182 -138", "-96 -128", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "UI_VirtualQuarries_arrow_left_0", 0, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-9 -9", "9 9", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1"); //Arrow Left Icon
if (morePages)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 9, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries page {page + 1}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-92 -138", "-6 -128", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "UI_VirtualQuarries_arrow_right_0", 0, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-9 -9", "9 9", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1"); //Arrow Right Icon
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("SortOwnedButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 11, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries sortOwned", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-362 -157", "-276 -142");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("SortSharedButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 11, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries sortShared", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-272 -157", "-186 -142");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", Lang("DisableSortButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 11, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries sortDisable", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-182 -157", "-96 -142");
if (!config.sharingRequirePermission || (config.sharingRequirePermission && permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.share")))
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("AddToAllButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 11, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries action addAll", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-92 -157", "-6 -142");
if (quarryId != -1 && (data.quarries[quarryId].owner == player.userID || data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers.Contains(player.userID)))
QuarryData quarry = data.quarries[quarryId];
Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig> quarryResources = config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].resources;
List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].upgrades;
string title = Lang(config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].titleTranslation, player.UserIDString);
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -37", "133 97"); //Quarry Icon Background
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", $"{imagePrefix}{config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].icon.shortname}", config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].icon.skin, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "19 -17", "113 77"); //Quarry Icon
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "137 71", "362 97"); //Quarry Title Background
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", title, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "137 71", "362 97");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "137 -37", "362 67"); //Quarry Output Background
offsetX = 145;
offsetY = 65;
count = 0;
foreach (var resource in quarry.resources)
if (!config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].resources.ContainsKey(resource.configKey))
Puts($"Resource {resource.configKey} is missing from the configuration, but is found in data. Quarry with ID {quarryId} will not work properly!");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", $"{imagePrefix}{quarryResources[resource.configKey].shortname}", quarryResources[resource.configKey].skin, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offsetX} {offsetY - 20}", $"{offsetX + 20} {offsetY}"); //Resource Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", $"{(60f / config.quarryTick * resource.work * upgrades[quarry.level].multiplier).ToString("0.##")}/m", TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offsetX + 24} {offsetY - 20}", $"{offsetX + 90} {offsetY}");
offsetY -= 16;
if (count % 6 == 0)
offsetY = 65;
offsetX += 113;
if (count >= 12) break;
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -67", "281 -41"); //Change Engine Status Background
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("ChangeEngineStatusTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "5 -67", "281 -41");
if (quarry.isRunning)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", Lang("Off", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 16, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries engine {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "285 -67", "362 -41");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("On", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 16, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries engine {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "285 -67", "362 -41");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -97", "281 -71"); //Fuel Storage Background
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("OpenFuelTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "5 -97", "281 -71");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 10, "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries fuel {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "285 -97", "362 -71", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-8 -8", "8 8", "assets/icons/bleeding.png"); //Fuel Storage Open Icon
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -127", "281 -101"); //Resource Storage Background
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("OpenResourceTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "5 -127", "281 -101");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 10, "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries storage {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "285 -127", "362 -101", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-8 -8", "8 8", "assets/icons/open.png"); //Resource Storage Open Icon
if (quarry.owner == player.userID)
if (!config.sharingRequirePermission || (config.sharingRequirePermission && permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "virtualquarries.share")))
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("GiveAccessButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 12, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries action add {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -157", "90 -131");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("RemoveAccessButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 12, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries action remove {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "94 -157", "186 -131");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("AccessListButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 12, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries list {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "190 -157", "281 -131");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -157", "281 -131"); //Empty Panel
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 10, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries delete {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "285 -157", "362 -131", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-8 -8", "8 8", "assets/icons/clear.png"); //Delete Quarry Icon
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -157", "133 -131"); //Quarry Owner Title Background
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("OwnerTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "5 -157", "133 -131");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "137 -157", "362 -131"); //Quarry Owner Background
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", playerCache[quarry.owner], TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "143 -157", "362 -131");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-1 -157", "362 97");
Dictionary<string, int> playerPerm = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var configPerm in config.permissions)
if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, configPerm.Key))
playerPerm = configPerm.Value;
string text = Lang("SelectQuarryHint", player.UserIDString);
foreach (var perm in playerPerm)
if (config.quarryProfiles[perm.Key].permission == "" || permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, config.quarryProfiles[perm.Key].permission))
text += Lang("PermTranslation", player.UserIDString, Lang(config.quarryProfiles[perm.Key].titleTranslation, player.UserIDString), perm.Value);
if (text == Lang("SelectQuarryHint", player.UserIDString))
text = Lang("OnlyAccessHint", player.UserIDString);
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main", "0.829 0.794 0.759 1", text, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 20, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "29 -157", "332 97");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Main");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
private void SelectSurveyTypeUI(BasePlayer player)
int count = 0;
foreach (var survey in config.surveys)
if (survey.Value.permission != "" && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, survey.Value.permission)) continue;
if (count == 0)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
PopUpAPI?.Call("API_ShowPopup", player, Lang("NoPermissionToSurvey", player.UserIDString));
else if (count == 1)
foreach (var survey in config.surveys)
if (survey.Value.permission != "" && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, survey.Value.permission)) continue;
player.Command($"UI_VirtualQuarries throw_open {survey.Key}");
CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer();
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "Hud.Menu", "0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddBackgroundPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0 0 0 0.8", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0 0 0 0", "", TextAnchor.UpperCenter, 0, "0 0 0 0", "UI_VirtualQuarries close", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0"); //Background Close Button
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.144 0.128 0.107 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-222 -30", "223 100"); //Background Panel
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-218 71", "219 96"); //Background Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-214 74", "-195 93", "assets/icons/gear.png"); //Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("VirtualQuarriesTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 21, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-191 71", "219 96");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-218 47", "219 67"); //Background Output Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-214 49", "-198 65", "assets/icons/clear_list.png"); //Quarry List Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("SelectSurveyTypeTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-194 47", "219 67");
int offset = -218;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.733 0.851 0.533 0.05", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset} -2", $"{offset + 45} 43"); //Background Output Item Tile Panel
offset += 49;
offset = -218;
foreach (var survey in config.surveys)
if (survey.Value.permission != "" && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, survey.Value.permission)) continue;
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", $"{imagePrefix}{survey.Value.surveyItem.shortname}", survey.Value.surveyItem.skin, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset + 5} 3", $"{offset + 40} 38"); //Survey Item Icon
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0 0 0 0", "", TextAnchor.UpperCenter, 0, "0 0 0 0", $"UI_VirtualQuarries throw_open {survey.Key}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset + 5} 3", $"{offset + 40} 38"); //Select Survey Button
offset += 49;
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("GoBackButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries back", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-41 -26", "50 -6");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
private void ShowNewQuarryUI(BasePlayer player, bool firstJoin = false)
CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer();
if (firstJoin)
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_NewCursor", "Hud.Menu", "0 0 0 0", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "VirtualQuarriesUI_NewCursor", "0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddBackgroundPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0 0 0 0.8", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0 0 0 0", "", TextAnchor.UpperCenter, 0, "0 0 0 0", "UI_VirtualQuarries close", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0"); //Background Close Button
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.144 0.128 0.107 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-222 -103", "223 100"); //Background Panel
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-218 71", "219 96"); //Background Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-214 74", "-195 93", "assets/icons/gear.png"); //Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("VirtualQuarriesTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 21, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-191 71", "219 96");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-218 47", "219 67"); //Background Output Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-214 49", "-198 65", "assets/icons/clear_list.png"); //Quarry List Title Panel Icon
if (!cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(player.userID))
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("RequiredSurveyTitle", player.UserIDString, Lang(config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].surveyTranslation, player.UserIDString)), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-194 47", "219 67");
if (cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Count == 0)
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("NoResourcesFoundTitle", player.UserIDString, Lang(config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].surveyTranslation, player.UserIDString)), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-194 47", "219 67");
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("CurrentResourcesTitle", player.UserIDString, Lang(config.surveys[cachedSurveyType[player.userID]].surveyTranslation, player.UserIDString)), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-194 47", "219 67");
int offset = -218;
Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig> resources = new Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig>();
if (cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(player.userID) && config.quarryProfiles.ContainsKey(cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile))
resources = config.quarryProfiles[cachedSurveys[player.userID].profile].resources;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.733 0.851 0.533 0.05", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset} -2", $"{offset + 45} 43"); //Background Output Item Tile Panel
if (cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(player.userID) && i < cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Count)
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", $"{imagePrefix}{resources[cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources
.configKey].shortname}", resources[cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.configKey].skin, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset + 5} 3", $"{offset + 40} 38"); //Output Item Icon
UI_AddText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", $"{(60f / config.quarryTick * cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.work).ToString("0.##")}/m", TextAnchor.LowerLeft, 10, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset + 2} 0", $"{offset + 43} 41"); //Output Item Amount
offset += 49;
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-218 -26", "219 -6"); //Background Required Items Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-214 -24", "-198 -8", "assets/icons/examine.png"); //Required Items Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("RequiredItemsTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 14, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-194 -26", "219 -6");
offset = -218;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.733 0.851 0.533 0.05", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset} -75", $"{offset + 45} -30"); //Background Required Item Tile Panel
if (cachedRequirements.ContainsKey(player.userID) && i < cachedRequirements[player.userID].Count)
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", $"{imagePrefix}{cachedRequirements[player.userID].shortname}", cachedRequirements[player.userID].skin, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset + 5} -70", $"{offset + 40} -35"); //Required Item Icon
UI_AddText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", $"x{cachedRequirements[player.userID].amount}", TextAnchor.LowerLeft, 10, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{offset + 2} -73", $"{offset + 43} -32"); //Required Item Amount
offset += 49;
if (cachedSurveys.ContainsKey(player.userID) && cachedSurveys[player.userID].resources.Count > 0)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("PlaceButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries place", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-136 -99", "-45 -79");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", Lang("ThrowButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries throw", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-41 -99", "50 -79");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("GoBackButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries back", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "54 -99", "145 -79");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_New");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
private void ManageQuarryPlayersUI(BasePlayer player, string type, int quarryId = 0, int page = 1, string search = "")
CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer();
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "Hud.Menu", "0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddBackgroundPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0 0 0 0.8", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0 0 0 0", "", TextAnchor.UpperCenter, 0, "0 0 0 0", "UI_VirtualQuarries close", "0 0", "1 1", "0 0", "0 0"); //Background Close Button
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.144 0.128 0.107 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-368 -157", "368 153"); //Background Panel
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-364 123", "364 149"); //Background Title Panel
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-360 126", "-340 146", "assets/icons/gear.png"); //Title Panel Icon
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", Lang("VirtualQuarriesTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 21, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-336 123", "334 149");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", "✖", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 20, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", "UI_VirtualQuarries close", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "338 123", "364 149");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.227 0.218 0.206 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-364 93", "364 119"); //Background Action Info Title Panel
string titleMessage = Lang("AddPlayerTitle", player.UserIDString);
Dictionary<ulong, string> values = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
switch (type)
case "add":
foreach (var user in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
values.Add(user.userID, user.displayName);
case "add_offline":
titleMessage = Lang("AddOfflinePlayerTitle", player.UserIDString);
values = playerCache;
case "remove":
titleMessage = Lang("RemovePlayerTitle", player.UserIDString);
foreach (var user in data.quarries[quarryId].authPlayers)
values.Add(user, playerCache[user]);
case "addAll":
titleMessage = Lang("AddAllPlayerTitle", player.UserIDString);
foreach (var user in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
values.Add(user.userID, user.displayName);
case "addAll_offline":
titleMessage = Lang("AddAllOfflinePlayerTitle", player.UserIDString);
values = playerCache;
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", titleMessage, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 16, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-360 93", "360 119");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.187 0.179 0.172 1", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-146 65", "146 87"); //Background Search Panel
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "UI_VirtualQuarries_search_0", 0, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "126 68", "142 84", "0.729 0.694 0.659 0.2"); //Search Icon
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players",
Components =
new CuiInputFieldComponent
FontSize = 14,
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
Color = "0.729 0.694 0.659 1",
IsPassword = false,
CharsLimit = 32,
Command = $"UI_VirtualQuarries action {type} {quarryId} {page}"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5",
AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5",
OffsetMin = "-146 65",
OffsetMax = "146 87"
int playerCount = 30 * page - 30;
int counter = 0;
int displayed = 0;
int startX = -362;
int startY = 59;
bool morePages = false;
foreach (var value in values)
if (value.Key == player.userID) continue;
if (type.Contains("_offline") && BasePlayer.FindByID(value.Key) != null) continue;
if (search != "" && !value.Value.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())) continue;
if (counter < playerCount)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", value.Value, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.252 0.243 0.227 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries doAction {type} {quarryId} {value.Key}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{startX} {startY - 26}", $"{startX + 140} {startY}");
startX += 146;
if (displayed % 5 == 0)
startX = -362;
startY -= 32;
if (displayed >= 30)
morePages = true;
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", Lang("GoBackButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries back", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-362 -153", "-271 -133");
if (type == "add" || type == "addAll")
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", Lang("OfflinePlayersButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 11, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries action {type}_offline {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-267 -153", "-176 -133");
if (page > 1)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 9, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries action {type} {quarryId} {page - 1} {search}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "176 -153", "267 -133", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "UI_VirtualQuarries_arrow_left_0", 0, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-12 -12", "12 12", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1"); //Arrow Left Icon
if (morePages)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players", "0.729 0.694 0.659 1", "", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 9, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries action {type} {quarryId} {page + 1} {search}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "271 -153", "362 -133", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Button", "UI_VirtualQuarries_arrow_right_0", 0, "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", "-12 -12", "12 12", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1"); //Arrow Right Icon
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Players");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
private void AddQuarryLevelsUI(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
QuarryData quarry = data.quarries[quarryId];
if (!config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].enableUpgrades) return;
var container = new CuiElementContainer();
int cornerX = 192;
int cornerY = 227;
List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].upgrades;
int level = quarry.level;
int rows = (upgrades[level].capacity + (upgrades[level].capacity % 6)) / 6;
cornerY += 64 * rows - 64;
if (!config.responsiveUpgrade || rows >= 5)
cornerX = -198;
cornerY = 456;
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "Hud.Menu", "0 0 0 0", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_LevelsBackground", "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0 0 0 0.15", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX} {cornerY}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 170}");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.61 0.6 0.58 0.09", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX} {cornerY}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 170}");
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("UpgradesTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, 20, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 1} {cornerY + 168}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 201}");
bool maxLevel = level >= upgrades.Count - 1;
if (maxLevel)
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("NowTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 15, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 194} {cornerY + 170}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 203}");
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("NowTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 15, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 194} {cornerY + 170}", $"{cornerX + 287} {cornerY + 198}");
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("AfterTitle", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 15, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 287} {cornerY + 170}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 198}");
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.61 0.6 0.58 0.05", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 0} {cornerY + 90}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 170}");
UI_AddText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.75 0.71 0.67", Lang("UpgradeInfo", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleRight, 13, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 0} {cornerY + 90}", $"{cornerX + 193} {cornerY + 170}");
if (maxLevel)
UI_AddBoldTextOutline(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.733 0.851 0.533", $"{level + 1}\n{upgrades[level].capacity}\nx{upgrades[level].multiplier}\nx{upgrades[level].fuelMultiplier}", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 194} {cornerY + 90}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 170}");
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.75 0.71 0.67", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{cornerX + 281} {cornerY + 124}", $"{cornerX + 293} {cornerY + 136}", "assets/icons/chevron_right.png");
UI_AddBoldTextOutline(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.941 0.486 0.302", $"{level + 1}\n{upgrades[level].capacity}\nx{upgrades[level].multiplier}\nx{upgrades[level].fuelMultiplier}", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 194} {cornerY + 90}", $"{cornerX + 287} {cornerY + 170}");
UI_AddBoldTextOutline(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.733 0.851 0.533", $"{level + 2}\n{upgrades[level + 1].capacity}\nx{upgrades[level + 1].multiplier}\nx{upgrades[level + 1].fuelMultiplier}", TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 287} {cornerY + 90}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 170}");
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", $"{imagePrefix}{config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].icon.shortname}", config.quarryProfiles[quarry.profile].icon.skin, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 10} {cornerY + 100}", $"{cornerX + 70} {cornerY + 160}");
if (maxLevel)
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("LevelMaxed", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 20, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 0} {cornerY + 0}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 90}");
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("RequiredItems", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 0} {cornerY + 35}", $"{cornerX + 193} {cornerY + 90}");
int start = cornerX + 168;
switch (upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.Count)
case 3:
start = cornerX + 218;
case 2:
start = cornerX + 238;
case 1:
start = cornerX + 263;
for (int i = 0; i < upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.Count; i++)
UI_AddImage(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", $"{imagePrefix}{upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.shortname}", upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.skin, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{start + 2} {cornerY + 40}", $"{start + 43} {cornerY + 81}");
UI_AddText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.75 0.71 0.67", $"x{upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.amount} ", TextAnchor.LowerRight, 11, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{start} {cornerY + 38}", $"{start + 45} {cornerY + 83}");
start += 50;
int buttonStart = 29;
int buttonEnd = 183;
if (upgrades[level + 1].requiredRp == 0 || upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.Count == 0)
buttonStart = 79;
buttonEnd = 316;
UI_AddPanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.61 0.6 0.58 0.05", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 0} {cornerY + 6}", $"{cornerX + 380} {cornerY + 35}");
UI_AddIcon(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", $"{cornerX + 7} {cornerY + 13}", $"{cornerX + 22} {cornerY + 28}", "assets/icons/store.png");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("PurchaseItemsButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries upgrade {quarryId} items", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + buttonStart} {cornerY + 6}", $"{cornerX + buttonEnd} {cornerY + 35}");
if (upgrades[level + 1].requiredRp != 0)
if (upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.Count > 0)
UI_AddBoldText(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.91 0.87 0.83", Lang("Or", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 183} {cornerY + 6}", $"{cornerX + 212} {cornerY + 35}");
if (upgrades[level + 1].requiredItems.Count == 0)
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("PurchaseCurrencyButton", player.UserIDString, upgrades[level + 1].requiredRp), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries upgrade {quarryId} currency", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + buttonStart} {cornerY + 6}", $"{cornerX + buttonEnd} {cornerY + 35}");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels", "0.733 0.851 0.533 1", Lang("PurchaseCurrencyButton", player.UserIDString, upgrades[level + 1].requiredRp), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 13, "0.439 0.538 0.261 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries upgrade {quarryId} currency", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", $"{cornerX + 212} {cornerY + 6}", $"{cornerX + 366} {cornerY + 35}");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Levels");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
private void AddBackButtonUI(BasePlayer player, int quarryId)
CuiElementContainer container = new CuiElementContainer();
string pos1 = "200 20";
string pos2 = "416 90";
if (config.exitButtonLoc != 1)
pos1 = "570 110";
pos2 = "627 167";
UI_AddCorePanel(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Back", "Hud.Menu", "0 0 0 0", "0.5 0", "0.5 0", "0 0", "0 0");
UI_AddButton(container, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Back", "0.941 0.486 0.302 1", Lang("GoBackButton", player.UserIDString), TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, 21, "0.45 0.237 0.194 1", $"UI_VirtualQuarries back {quarryId}", "0.5 0.5", "0.5 0.5", pos1, pos2);
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "VirtualQuarriesUI_Back");
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, container);
private static void UI_AddCorePanel(CuiElementContainer container, string name, string parentName, string color, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Name = name,
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Color = color,
Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
new CuiNeedsCursorComponent()
private static void UI_AddCorePanelNoCursor(CuiElementContainer container, string name, string parentName, string color, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Name = name,
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Color = color,
Material = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private static void UI_AddBackgroundPanel(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string color, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Color = color,
Material = "assets/content/ui/namefontmaterial.mat",
Sprite = "assets/content/ui/ui.background.transparent.radial.psd"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private static void UI_AddPanel(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string color, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Color = color,
Material = "assets/content/ui/namefontmaterial.mat"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private static void UI_AddBoldText(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string color, string text, TextAnchor textAnchor, int fontSize, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiTextComponent
Color = color,
Text = text,
Align = textAnchor,
FontSize = fontSize
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private static void UI_AddBoldTextOutline(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string color, string text, TextAnchor textAnchor, int fontSize, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiTextComponent
Color = color,
Text = text,
Align = textAnchor,
FontSize = fontSize
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
new CuiOutlineComponent
Color = "0 0 0 1",
Distance = "0.3 0.3",
private static void UI_AddText(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string color, string text, TextAnchor textAnchor, int fontSize, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiTextComponent
Color = color,
Text = text,
Align = textAnchor,
FontSize = fontSize,
Font = "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private static void UI_AddButton(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string textColor, string text, TextAnchor textAnchor, int fontSize, string buttonColor, string command, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax, string buttonName = null)
container.Add(new CuiButton
Text =
Color = textColor,
Text = text,
Align = textAnchor,
FontSize = fontSize
Button =
Color = buttonColor,
Material = "assets/content/ui/namefontmaterial.mat",
Command = command,
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
}, parentName, buttonName);
private static void UI_AddIcon(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string color, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax, string path)
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Color = color,
Sprite = path
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private void UI_AddImage(CuiElementContainer container, string parentName, string shortname, ulong skin, string anchorMin, string anchorMax, string offsetMin, string offsetMax, string color = "1 1 1 1")
container.Add(new CuiElement
Parent = parentName,
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent
Png = GetImage(shortname, skin),
Color = color
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = anchorMin,
AnchorMax = anchorMax,
OffsetMin = offsetMin,
OffsetMax = offsetMax,
private class VirtualQuarry : FacepunchBehaviour
public int dataId = 0;
public MiningQuarry staticQuarry = null;
public bool excavator = false;
public string mineType = "";
private BoxStorage storage;
private BoxStorage fuelStorage;
private List<QuarryResource> resources;
private string profile = string.Empty;
private bool isRunning = false;
private int level = 0;
private List<OutputInfo> output = new List<OutputInfo>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, float> nonIntOutput = new Dictionary<string, float>();
private class OutputInfo
public string configKey;
public string shortname;
public ulong skin;
public string name;
public float amount;
private void Awake()
storage = GetComponent<BoxStorage>();
fuelStorage = storage.children[0]?.GetComponent<BoxStorage>();
public void SetupQuarry()
if (staticQuarry == null)
if (excavator)
storage.InvokeRepeating(MineExcavatorResources, _plugin.config.excavatorTick, _plugin.config.excavatorTick);
level = _plugin.data.quarries[dataId].level;
profile = _plugin.data.quarries[dataId].profile;
resources = _plugin.data.quarries[dataId].resources;
isRunning = _plugin.data.quarries[dataId].isRunning;
if (!_plugin.config.quarryProfiles.ContainsKey(profile))
_plugin.Puts($"Profile {profile} is missing from the configuration, but is found in data. Quarry with ID {dataId} will not work!");
if (isRunning)
storage.InvokeRepeating(MineResources, _plugin.config.quarryTick, _plugin.config.quarryTick);
storage.InvokeRepeating(MineStaticResources, _plugin.config.staticQuarryTick, _plugin.config.staticQuarryTick);
public void TryRun()
if (isRunning)
isRunning = false;
_plugin.data.quarries[dataId].isRunning = false;
if (!TakeFuel())
isRunning = false;
_plugin.data.quarries[dataId].isRunning = false;
isRunning = true;
_plugin.data.quarries[dataId].isRunning = true;
storage.InvokeRepeating(MineResources, _plugin.config.quarryTick, _plugin.config.quarryTick);
private void ConfigureOutput()
output = new List<OutputInfo>();
Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig> configResources = _plugin.config.quarryProfiles[profile].resources;
List<UpgradeConfig> levels = _plugin.config.quarryProfiles[profile].upgrades;
if (level > levels.Count - 1)
level = levels.Count - 1;
foreach (var resource in resources)
if (!configResources.ContainsKey(resource.configKey)) continue;
output.Add(new OutputInfo() { configKey = resource.configKey, shortname = configResources[resource.configKey].shortname, skin = configResources[resource.configKey].skin, name = configResources[resource.configKey].name, amount = resource.work * levels[level].multiplier });
private void ConfigureStaticOutput()
output = new List<OutputInfo>();
List<StaticQuarryOutput> quarryOutput = _plugin.config.staticMetalOutput;
if (staticQuarry.staticType == MiningQuarry.QuarryType.Sulfur)
quarryOutput = _plugin.config.staticSulfurOutput;
else if (staticQuarry.staticType == MiningQuarry.QuarryType.HQM)
quarryOutput = _plugin.config.staticHqmOutput;
else if (staticQuarry.ShortPrefabName == "pumpjack-static")
quarryOutput = _plugin.config.staticPumpJackOutput;
foreach (var resource in quarryOutput)
output.Add(new OutputInfo() { shortname = resource.shortname, skin = resource.skin, name = resource.displayName, amount = resource.amount });
private void MineResources()
if (!TakeFuel())
isRunning = false;
_plugin.data.quarries[dataId].isRunning = false;
foreach (var resource in output)
nonIntOutput.TryAdd(resource.configKey, 0);
int amount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(resource.amount));
nonIntOutput[resource.configKey] += resource.amount % 1;
if (nonIntOutput[resource.configKey] > 1)
if (amount == 0) continue;
Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(resource.shortname, amount, resource.skin);
if (resource.name != null && resource.name != "")
item.name = resource.name;
if (!item.MoveToContainer(storage.inventory))
isRunning = false;
_plugin.data.quarries[dataId].isRunning = false;
private void MineStaticResources()
if (!HasFuel()) return;
foreach (var resource in output)
nonIntOutput.TryAdd($"{resource.shortname}_{resource.skin}", 0);
int amount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(resource.amount));
nonIntOutput[$"{resource.shortname}_{resource.skin}"] += resource.amount % 1;
if (nonIntOutput[$"{resource.shortname}_{resource.skin}"] > 1)
if (amount == 0) continue;
Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(resource.shortname, amount, resource.skin);
if (resource.name != null && resource.name != "")
item.name = resource.name;
if (!item.MoveToContainer(storage.inventory)) return;
private void MineExcavatorResources()
if (mineType == "") return;
if (!HasExcavatorFuel()) return;
foreach (var resource in _plugin.config.excavatorResources[mineType])
nonIntOutput.TryAdd($"{resource.shortname}_{resource.skin}", 0);
int amount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(resource.amount));
nonIntOutput[$"{resource.shortname}_{resource.skin}"] += resource.amount % 1;
if (nonIntOutput[$"{resource.shortname}_{resource.skin}"] > 1)
if (amount == 0) continue;
Item item = ItemManager.CreateByName(resource.shortname, amount, resource.skin);
if (resource.displayName != null && resource.displayName != "")
item.name = resource.displayName;
if (!item.MoveToContainer(storage.inventory)) return;
private bool TakeFuel()
if (fuelStorage == null) return false;
if (!_plugin.config.quarryProfiles.ContainsKey(profile))
_plugin.Puts($"Profile {profile} is missing from the configuration, but is found in data. Quarry with ID {dataId} will not work!");
return false;
FuelItem requiredFuel = new FuelItem()
shortname = _plugin.config.quarryProfiles[profile].fuelItem.shortname,
amount = _plugin.config.quarryProfiles[profile].fuelItem.amount,
skin = _plugin.config.quarryProfiles[profile].fuelItem.skin
List<UpgradeConfig> levels = _plugin.config.quarryProfiles[profile].upgrades;
nonIntOutput.TryAdd("fuel", 0);
float notRoundedAmount = (float)requiredFuel.amount * levels[level].fuelMultiplier;
int amount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(notRoundedAmount));
if (amount <= 0) amount = 1;
nonIntOutput["fuel"] += notRoundedAmount % 1;
if (nonIntOutput["fuel"] > 1)
requiredFuel.amount = amount;
if (CalculateFuel(fuelStorage, requiredFuel))
return true;
else return false;
private bool HasFuel()
if (fuelStorage == null) return false;
if (CalculateFuel(fuelStorage, _plugin.config.staticFuelItem)) return true;
else return false;
private bool HasExcavatorFuel()
if (fuelStorage == null) return false;
if (CalculateFuel(fuelStorage, _plugin.config.excavatorFuelItem)) return true;
else return false;
private bool CalculateFuel(BoxStorage storage, FuelItem fuel)
nonIntOutput.TryAdd("fuel", 0);
if (nonIntOutput["fuel"] > fuel.amount)
nonIntOutput["fuel"] -= fuel.amount;
return true;
bool haveRequired = false;
int inventoryAmount = 0;
foreach (var item in storage.inventory.itemList)
if (item.skin == fuel.skin && item.info.shortname == fuel.shortname)
inventoryAmount += item.amount;
if (inventoryAmount >= fuel.amount)
haveRequired = true;
if (!haveRequired)
return false;
int takenItems = 0;
int fuelCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(fuel.amount);
foreach (var item in storage.inventory.itemList.ToList())
if (item.skin == fuel.skin && item.info.shortname == fuel.shortname)
if (takenItems < fuel.amount)
if (item.amount > fuelCeiling - takenItems)
item.amount -= fuelCeiling - takenItems;
nonIntOutput["fuel"] += fuelCeiling - takenItems;
if (item.amount <= fuelCeiling - takenItems)
takenItems += item.amount;
nonIntOutput["fuel"] += item.amount;
else break;
return true;
private static bool TakeResources(BoxStorage storage, List<RequiredItem> items)
foreach (var requiredItem in items)
bool haveRequired = false;
int inventoryAmount = 0;
foreach (var item in storage.inventory.itemList)
if (item.skin == requiredItem.skin && item.info.shortname == requiredItem.shortname)
inventoryAmount += item.amount;
if (inventoryAmount >= requiredItem.amount)
haveRequired = true;
if (!haveRequired)
return false;
foreach (var requiredItem in items)
int takenItems = 0;
foreach (var item in storage.inventory.itemList.ToList())
if (item.skin == requiredItem.skin && item.info.shortname == requiredItem.shortname)
if (takenItems < requiredItem.amount)
if (item.amount > requiredItem.amount - takenItems)
item.amount -= requiredItem.amount - takenItems;
if (item.amount <= requiredItem.amount - takenItems)
takenItems += item.amount;
else break;
return true;
private void OnDestroy()
storage = null;
private void LoadMessages()
Dictionary<string, string> translations = new Dictionary<string, string>()
["VirtualQuarriesTitle"] = "VIRTUAL QUARRIES",
["QuarryListTitle"] = "QUARRY LIST",
["QuarryInfoTitle"] = "QUARRY INFO",
["RequiredSurveyTitle"] = "YOU NEED TO USE <color=#bbd988>{0}</color> TO FIND NEW DEPOT",
["CurrentResourcesTitle"] = "CURRENT RESOURCES, TO FIND NEW - USE <color=#bbd988>{0}</color>",
["NoResourcesFoundTitle"] = "NO DEPOSIT FOUND, TO TRY AGAIN - USE <color=#bbd988>{0}</color>",
["ChangeEngineStatusTitle"] = "CHANGE ENGINE STATUS",
["OpenFuelTitle"] = "OPEN FUEL CONTAINER",
["OpenResourceTitle"] = "OPEN RESOURCE CONTAINER",
["OwnerTitle"] = "OWNER",
["UpgradesTitle"] = "UPGRADES",
["NowTitle"] = "NOW",
["AfterTitle"] = "AFTER",
["Or"] = "OR",
["Off"] = "STOP",
["On"] = "START",
["UpgradeInfo"] = "Current Level:\nCapacity:\nOutput Multiplier:\nFuel Multiplier:",
["LevelMaxed"] = "LEVEL MAXED",
["RequiredItems"] = "REQUIRED ITEMS",
["SelectQuarryHint"] = "SELECT <color=#bbd988>ONE OF YOUR QUARRIES</color> OR <color=#bbd988>PLACE NEW ONE</color> FOR MORE!\n\nYour quarry type limits:",
["OnlyAccessHint"] = "SELECT <color=#bbd988>ONE OF YOUR SHARED QUARRIES</color>.\nYOU ARE <color=#bbd988>NOT ALLOWED</color> TO PLACE NEW QUARRIES!",
["NoFuelHint"] = "You need to put <color=#5c81ed>x{0} {1}</color> to fuel storage in order to start this quarry!",
["PermTranslation"] = "\n<color=#bbd988>{0}</color> - {1}",
["NoRequiredSurvey"] = "You need to have <color=#5c81ed>{0}</color> to find new resource deposit!",
["NoRequiredItems"] = "You don't have <color=#5c81ed>required items</color> to place this quarry!",
["ErrorOccured"] = "An error has occured! Please contact <color=#5c81ed>Administrator</color>!",
["NoSprintButton"] = "In order to remove your quarry you need to have Your <color=#5c81ed>SPRINT</color> button pushed down!",
["QuarryRemoved"] = "You've <color=#5c81ed>successfully</color> removed your Virtual Quarry!",
["QuarryRemovedRefund"] = "You've <color=#5c81ed>successfully</color> removed your Virtual Quarry!\nResources has been <color=#5c81ed>refunded</color> to your inventorry!",
["NotEnoughCurrency"] = "You don't have required amount of <color=#5c81ed>currency</color> to upgrade this quarry!",
["NotEnoughItems"] = "You don't have required amount of <color=#5c81ed>items</color> to upgrade this quarry!",
["AccessListStart"] = "All players added to this quarry:",
["AccessListList"] = "\n- <color=#5c81ed>{0}</color>",
["AccessListNoAdded"] = "\n<color=#5c81ed>No one is added to this quarry!</color>",
["NotAllowedToPlace"] = "You are <color=#5c81ed>not allowed</color> to place new quarries!",
["TooManyQuarries"] = "You've reached your limit of placed <color=#5c81ed>Quarries of this type</color>!",
["NoSurveyThrow"] = "You can't throw survey charges!\nUse <color=#5c81ed>/{0}</color> instead.",
["PlaceButton"] = "PLACE",
["ThrowButton"] = "SEARCH",
["GoBackButton"] = "GO BACK",
["GiveAccessButton"] = "GIVE ACCESS",
["RemoveAccessButton"] = "REMOVE ACCESS",
["AccessListButton"] = "ACCESS LIST",
["SortOwnedButton"] = "SORT OWNED",
["SortSharedButton"] = "SORT SHARED",
["DisableSortButton"] = "DISABLE SORT",
["AddToAllButton"] = "ADD TO ALL",
["OfflinePlayersButton"] = "OFFLINE PLAYERS",
["PurchaseItemsButton"] = "PURCHASE FOR ITEMS",
["PurchaseCurrencyButton"] = "PURCHASE FOR {0} RP",
["PrivateInventoryInfo"] = "This inventory and items are visible <color=#5c81ed>only</color> for you!",
["NoPermission"] = "You don't have access to <color=#5c81ed>Virtual Quarries</color>!",
["NoPermissionQuarry"] = "You don't have access to <color=#5c81ed>Quarries</color>!",
["NoPermissionPumpJack"] = "You don't have access to <color=#5c81ed>Pump Jacks</color>!",
["OpenStorageFirst"] = "Open your <color=#5c81ed>Excavator Output Storage</color> first!",
["NoAirDrops"] = "Air Drops has been <color=#5c81ed>disabled</color>!"
foreach (var profile in config.quarryProfiles.Values)
if (profile.fuelItem.skin != 0)
translations.TryAdd($"Fuel_{profile.fuelItem.skin}", profile.fuelItem.shortname);
else if (profile.fuelItem.shortname == "lowgradefuel")
translations.TryAdd($"Fuel_{profile.fuelItem.shortname}", "Low Grade Fuel");
translations.TryAdd($"Fuel_{profile.fuelItem.shortname}", profile.fuelItem.shortname);
if (profile.titleTranslation == "QuarryTitle")
translations.TryAdd(profile.titleTranslation, "Mining Quarry");
else if (profile.titleTranslation == "PumpjackTitle")
translations.TryAdd(profile.titleTranslation, "Mining Pumpjack");
translations.TryAdd(profile.titleTranslation, profile.titleTranslation);
foreach (var survey in config.surveys.Values)
if (survey.surveyTranslation == "SurveyCharge")
translations.TryAdd(survey.surveyTranslation, "X1 SURVEY CHARGE");
translations.TryAdd(survey.surveyTranslation, survey.surveyTranslation);
lang.RegisterMessages(translations, this);
private string Lang(string key, string id = null, params object[] args) => string.Format(lang.GetMessage(key, this, id), args);
private void AddImage(string url, string shortname, ulong skin) => ImageLibrary?.CallHook("AddImage", url, shortname, skin);
private string GetImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) => ImageLibrary?.Call<string>("GetImage", shortname, skin);
private PluginConfig config;
protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
Config.WriteObject(config = new PluginConfig()
commandList = new List<string>()
permissions = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>()
{ "virtualquarries.default", new Dictionary<string, int>() {
{ "quarry", 2 },
{ "pumpjack", 1 }
} },
{ "virtualquarries.vip", new Dictionary<string, int>() {
{ "quarry", 3 },
{ "pumpjack", 2 }
} }
surveys = new Dictionary<string, SurveyConfig>()
{ "survey", new SurveyConfig() {
surveyTranslation = "SurveyCharge"
} }
staticMetalOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>()
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "stones",
amount = 150
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "metal.ore",
amount = 22.5f
staticSulfurOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>()
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "sulfur.ore",
amount = 22.5f
staticHqmOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>()
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "hq.metal.ore",
amount = 1.5f
staticPumpJackOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>()
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "crude.oil",
amount = 6
excavatorResources = new Dictionary<string, List<StaticQuarryOutput>>()
{ "Stone", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "stones",
amount = 5000
} },
{ "Metal", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "metal.fragments",
amount = 2500
} },
{ "Sulfur", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "sulfur.ore",
amount = 1000
} },
{ "HQM", new List<StaticQuarryOutput>() {
new StaticQuarryOutput()
shortname = "hq.metal.ore",
amount = 50
} }
quarryProfiles = new Dictionary<string, QuarryProfile>()
{ "quarry", new QuarryProfile()
chance = 25,
titleTranslation = "QuarryTitle",
icon = new RequiredItem() { shortname = "mining.quarry", iconUrl = "" },
surveyType = "survey",
requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>()
new RequiredItem() { shortname = "mining.quarry", amount = 1, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 }
resources = new Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig>()
{ "stone", new ResourceConfig() { chance = 0, alwaysInclude = true, shortname = "stones", outputMax = 300f, outputMin = 150f } },
{ "metal", new ResourceConfig() { chance = 50, alwaysInclude = false, shortname = "metal.ore", outputMax = 45f, outputMin = 22.5f, permission = "virtualquarries.metal" } },
{ "sulfur", new ResourceConfig() { chance = 50, alwaysInclude = false, shortname = "sulfur.ore", outputMax = 30.5f, outputMin = 15.0f } },
{ "hq", new ResourceConfig() { chance = 10, alwaysInclude = false, shortname = "hq.metal.ore", outputMax = 2.0f, outputMin = 0.3f } },
{ "scrap", new ResourceConfig() { chance = 5, alwaysInclude = false, shortname = "scrap", outputMax = 1.0f, outputMin = 0.1f, permission = "virtualquarries.scrap" , additionalItems = new List<RequiredItem>() { new RequiredItem() { shortname = "wood", amount = 7000, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 } } } }
upgrades = new List<UpgradeConfig>()
new UpgradeConfig() { capacity = 6, multiplier = 1, requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>(), requiredRp = 0 },
new UpgradeConfig() { capacity = 9, multiplier = 1.2f, requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>() { new RequiredItem() { shortname = "wood", amount = 7000, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 }, new RequiredItem() { shortname = "stones", amount = 5000, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 } }, requiredRp = 6000 },
{ "pumpjack", new QuarryProfile()
permission = "virtualquarries.pumpjack",
titleTranslation = "PumpjackTitle",
icon = new RequiredItem() { shortname = "mining.pumpjack", iconUrl = "" },
surveyType = "survey",
requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>()
new RequiredItem() { shortname = "mining.pumpjack", amount = 1, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 }
resources = new Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig>()
{ "crude", new ResourceConfig() { chance = 0, alwaysInclude = true, shortname = "crude.oil", outputMax = 3.0f, outputMin = 0.8f } },
upgrades = new List<UpgradeConfig>()
new UpgradeConfig() { capacity = 6, multiplier = 1, requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>(), requiredRp = 0 },
new UpgradeConfig() { capacity = 9, multiplier = 1.2f, requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>() { new RequiredItem() { shortname = "wood", amount = 14000, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 }, new RequiredItem() { shortname = "stones", amount = 10000, iconUrl = "", skin = 0 } }, requiredRp = 12000 },
}, true);
private class PluginConfig
[JsonProperty("Command List")]
public List<string> commandList = new List<string>();
[JsonProperty("Enable Console Logs")]
public bool consoleLogs = true;
[JsonProperty("Override ImageLibrary Icons")]
public bool overrideIcons = false;
[JsonProperty("Require Permission For Use")]
public bool requirePermission = false;
[JsonProperty("Mining Quarry/Pump Jack Limit Permissions")]
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> permissions = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();
[JsonProperty("Sharing - Require Permission")]
public bool sharingRequirePermission = false;
[JsonProperty("Data - Enable Data Wipe On Server Wipe")]
public bool wipeData = false;
[JsonProperty("Data - Store Container Data In File And Restore On Server Wipe")]
public bool storeContainers = false;
[JsonProperty("Data - Store Container Interval (in seconds)")]
public int containerSaveInterval = 1800;
[JsonProperty("Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)")]
public int quarryTick = 60;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)")]
public int staticQuarryTick = 60;
[JsonProperty("Excavator Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)")]
public int excavatorTick = 60;
[JsonProperty("Storage Prefab")]
public string storagePrefab = "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab";
[JsonProperty("Sound - Start Sound")]
public string startSound = "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/online.prefab";
[JsonProperty("Sound - Stop Sound")]
public string stopSound = "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/offline.prefab";
[JsonProperty("Survey Charge - Allow Throwing Survey Charges")]
public bool surveyThrow = false;
[JsonProperty("Survey Charget Types")]
public Dictionary<string, SurveyConfig> surveys = new Dictionary<string, SurveyConfig>();
[JsonProperty("Upgrades - Used Economy Plugin (0 - None, See Website For More Info)")]
public int economyPlugin = 0;
[JsonProperty("Removing Quarries - Refund Items")]
public bool refundRemove = true;
[JsonProperty("Go Back Button - Position (1-2)")]
public int exitButtonLoc = 1;
[JsonProperty("Upgrade UI - Responsive Position")]
public bool responsiveUpgrade = true;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Enable")]
public bool staticQuarries = false;
[JsonProperty("Excavator Quarry - Enable")]
public bool excavatorQuarry = false;
[JsonProperty("Excavator Quarry - Lock Air Drops")]
public bool excavatorLockDrops = false;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Quarry Requires Permission")]
public bool quarryPerm = false;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Pump Jack Requires Permission")]
public bool pumpJackPerm = false;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Excavator Requires Permission")]
public bool excavatorPerm = false;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Resource Container Size")]
public int staticResourceSize = 18;
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Fuel Item")]
public FuelItem staticFuelItem = new FuelItem() { shortname = "lowgradefuel" };
[JsonProperty("Excavator Quarry - Fuel Item")]
public FuelItem excavatorFuelItem = new FuelItem() { shortname = "diesel_barrel" };
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Metal Quarry Output")]
public List<StaticQuarryOutput> staticMetalOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>();
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Sulfur Quarry Output")]
public List<StaticQuarryOutput> staticSulfurOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>();
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - HQM Quarry Output")]
public List<StaticQuarryOutput> staticHqmOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>();
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Pump Jack Output")]
public List<StaticQuarryOutput> staticPumpJackOutput = new List<StaticQuarryOutput>();
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries - Excavator Outputs")]
public Dictionary<string, List<StaticQuarryOutput>> excavatorResources = new Dictionary<string, List<StaticQuarryOutput>>();
[JsonProperty("Quarry Profiles")]
public Dictionary<string, QuarryProfile> quarryProfiles = new Dictionary<string, QuarryProfile>();
private class SurveyConfig
[JsonProperty("Effect Path")]
public string effectPath = "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/survey_explosion.prefab";
[JsonProperty("Required Permission (empty, if not required)")]
public string permission = string.Empty;
[JsonProperty("Chance For Resources (0-100)")]
public int resourceChance = 75;
[JsonProperty("Displayed Survey Title Translation Key")]
public string surveyTranslation = string.Empty;
[JsonProperty("Required Item")]
public RequiredItem surveyItem = new RequiredItem() { shortname = "surveycharge", iconUrl = "" };
private class QuarryProfile
[JsonProperty("Required Permission (empty, if not required)")]
public string permission = string.Empty;
[JsonProperty("Displayed Icon")]
public RequiredItem icon = new RequiredItem() { shortname = "mining.quarry", iconUrl = "" };
[JsonProperty("Survey Type")]
public string surveyType = "";
[JsonProperty("Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key")]
public string titleTranslation = string.Empty;
public int chance = 5;
[JsonProperty("Minimal Resources Per Node")]
public int minPerNode = 1;
[JsonProperty("Maximal Resources Per Node")]
public int maxPerNode = 2;
[JsonProperty("Fuel Required Per Tick")]
public FuelItem fuelItem = new FuelItem() { shortname = "lowgradefuel" };
[JsonProperty("Enable Upgrades")]
public bool enableUpgrades = true;
[JsonProperty("Items Required To Place")]
public List<RequiredItem> requiredItems = new List<RequiredItem>();
public Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig> resources = new Dictionary<string, ResourceConfig>();
public List<UpgradeConfig> upgrades = new List<UpgradeConfig>();
private class ResourceConfig
[JsonProperty("Output Item - Shortname")]
public string shortname;
[JsonProperty("Output Item - Skin")]
public ulong skin = 0;
[JsonProperty("Output Item - Display Name")]
public string name = string.Empty;
[JsonProperty("Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)")]
public string iconUrl = string.Empty;
[JsonProperty("Include Always")]
public bool alwaysInclude = false;
[JsonProperty("Required Permission (empty if not required)")]
public string permission = string.Empty;
public int chance;
[JsonProperty("Minimal Output Per Tick")]
public float outputMin;
[JsonProperty("Maximal Output Per Tick")]
public float outputMax;
[JsonProperty("Additional Items Required To Place")]
public List<RequiredItem> additionalItems = new List<RequiredItem>();
private class UpgradeConfig
[JsonProperty("Required Items")]
public List<RequiredItem> requiredItems;
[JsonProperty("Required Currency (0 to disable)")]
public int requiredRp = 0;
public int capacity = 6;
[JsonProperty("Gather Multiplier")]
public float multiplier = 1;
[JsonProperty("Fuel Usage Multiplier")]
public float fuelMultiplier = 1;
private class StaticQuarryOutput
public string shortname;
public ulong skin = 0;
[JsonProperty("Amount Per Tick")]
public float amount = 1;
[JsonProperty("Display Name")]
public string displayName = "";
private class FuelItem
public string shortname;
public ulong skin = 0;
public float amount = 1;
[JsonProperty("Display Name")]
public string displayName;
[JsonProperty("Icon URL")]
public string iconUrl;
private class RequiredItem
public string shortname;
public ulong skin = 0;
public int amount = 1;
[JsonProperty("Display Name")]
public string displayName;
[JsonProperty("Icon URL")]
public string iconUrl;
private PluginData data;
[JsonProperty("Player Cache")]
private Dictionary<ulong, string> playerCache = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
[JsonProperty("Storage Cache")]
private Dictionary<int, StorageData> storageCache = new Dictionary<int, StorageData>();
private class PluginData
[JsonProperty("Quarry Count")]
public int quarryCount = 0;
public Dictionary<int, QuarryData> quarries = new Dictionary<int, QuarryData>();
[JsonProperty("Static Quarries")]
public Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulong, ulong>> staticQuarries = new Dictionary<ulong, Dictionary<ulong, ulong>>();
private class QuarryData
[JsonProperty("Quarry Network ID")]
public ulong netId;
[JsonProperty("Quarry Owner")]
public ulong owner;
public string profile;
[JsonProperty("Authorized Players")]
public List<ulong> authPlayers = new List<ulong>();
[JsonProperty("Quarry Level")]
public int level = 0;
[JsonProperty("Is Running")]
public bool isRunning = false;
public List<QuarryResource> resources = new List<QuarryResource>();
private class QuarryResource
[JsonProperty("Config Resource Key")]
public string configKey;
[JsonProperty("Output Per Tick")]
public float work;
private class StorageData
[JsonProperty("Resource Storage")]
public List<RequiredItem> resource = new List<RequiredItem>();
[JsonProperty("Fuel Storage")]
public List<RequiredItem> fuel = new List<RequiredItem>();
private void LoadData()
data = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<PluginData>($"{this.Name}/quarryData");
playerCache = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<Dictionary<ulong, string>>($"{this.Name}/playerCache");
if (config.storeContainers)
storageCache = Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<Dictionary<int, StorageData>>($"{this.Name}/storageCache");
timer.Every(Core.Random.Range(500, 700), SaveData);
private void SaveData()
Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{this.Name}/quarryData", data);
Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{this.Name}/playerCache", playerCache);
if (config.storeContainers)
Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject($"{this.Name}/storageCache", storageCache);