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Платное Advanced Airstrike 0.1.80

  1. Английский
Передовой плагин авиаударов с 5 видами воздушной бомбардировки. К этим типам относятся: авиаудар, отряд удара, напалмовый удар, ядерный удар и удар призрака.
В качестве типа оружия используйте ракеты или пули.
Вызовите авиаудар, бросая сигнал снабжения или используя команду чата (для игроков с разрешения).

Стандартный удар с использованием пуль:

Удар отряда с помощью пуль:

Призрачный удар с использованием пуль:

Стандартный / Отряд / Напалм и Призрак наносят удары ракетами:

Ядерный удар:

Выдача сопель для вызова:
Чат команда - /getsupplyair Название_Дропа Кол-Во
Консоль - giveSupplyAir StrikeType SteamID Amount

Для Доната - выдача сопель:
GameStores - giveSupplyAir StrikeType %STEAMID% Amount
Moscow.Ovh - giveSupplyAir StrikeType {steamid} Amount

Три типа разрешений.
advairstrike.signal.<тип> - Разрешить вызов типа страйка с помощью сигнала снабжения
advairstrike.purchase.<тип> - Разрешить покупку типа страйка через чат.
- Разрешить тип страйка звонил через чат.

Вам нужно будет заменить <тип> типом воздушного удара, который вы хотите разрешить. Типы: "strike", "squad", "napalm", "nuke", "spectre"

advairstrike.ignorecooldown - Игроки с таким разрешением не будут подвержены перезарядке.

Восстановление перезарядки.
Восстановление перезарядки повлияет на все различные методы вызова удара. Если у вас есть время перезарядки отряда, вы не сможете вызвать отряд из другого метода. Перезарядку можно игнорировать, предоставив игроку разрешение «advairstrike.ignorecooldown».

Strike Purchases
You can allow players to purchase airstrikes to their position. The cost to buy can be set in the config. You can also specify RP (ServerRewards) or Coins(Economics) as part of the cost.
To include RP in the cost set the shortname to "RP" and the amount as the value.
To include coins in the cost set the shortname to "Economics" and the amount as the value

An advanced airstrike plugins with 5 types of aerial bombardment. These types include: Airstrike, Squadstrike, Napalm strike, Nuke strike, and Spectre strike

Use either rockets or bullets as the weapon type

Call an airstrike either by throwing a supply signal or using a chat command (for players with permission)

Standard strike using bullets:

Squad strike using bullets:

Spectre strike using bullets:

Standard/Squad/Napalm and Spectre strikes using rockets:

Nuke strike:

Chat Commands
/strike - Shows available commands to the player

/strike signal <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> - Allows players to call the specified strike type by throwing a supply signal
(Requires the permission: advairstrike.signal.<type>)

/strike buy <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> - Allows players to purchase the specified strike type to their position, costs are set in the config
/strike buy <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> <x> <z> - Allows players to purchase the specified strike type to the target position, costs are set in the config
/strike buy <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> <playername> - Allows players to purchase the specified strike type another players position, costs are set in the config
(Requires the permission: advairstrike.purchase.<type>)

/strike call <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> - Allows players to call a the specified strike type on their position
/strike call <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> <x> <z> - Allows players to call the specified strike type to the specified co-ordinates
/strike call <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> <playername> - Allows players to call the specified strike type on another player
(Requires the permission: advairstrike.chat.<type>)
Console Commands
strike <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> random - Will call a strike to a random location
strike <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> <playername> - Will call a strike on a player
strike <strike/squad/napalm/nuke/spectre> <x> <z> - Will call a strike to co-ordinates X Y Z
The 3 types of permissions are;
- Allow the strike type to be called using a supply signal
advairstrike.purchase.<type> - Allow the strike type to be purchased via chat
- Allow the strike type to be called via chat

You will need to replace <type> with the type of airstrike you wish to allow. The types are: "strike", "squad", "napalm", "nuke", "spectre"

advairstrike.ignorecooldown - Players with this permission will not be affected by cooldowns
Cooldowns will affect all the various methods to call a strike. If you have a squadstrike cooldown you will not be able to call a squadstrike from an alternative method. Cooldowns can be ignored by granting the player the permission "advairstrike.ignorecooldown"

Strike Purchases
You can allow players to purchase airstrikes to their position. The cost to buy can be set in the config. You can also specify RP (ServerRewards) or Coins(Economics) as part of the cost.
To include RP in the cost set the shortname to "RP" and the amount as the value.
To include coins in the cost set the shortname to "Economics" and the amount as the value
"Cost to purchase a standard strike (shortname, amount)": {
    "RP": 50,
    "Economics": 100

Config Options (I wont list them all because they are pretty self explanatory)

Cooldown Options:
Strike cooldown times - The time in seconds a cooldown will be for each strike type
Use cooldown timers - Toggle cooldown timers on/off

Other Options:
Can call <type> strikes using a supply signal - This allows you to toggle the various types from being used with a supply signal
Random airstrike types - This list is the types of strikes to be used with random strikes. If you do not want to use random strikes then leave this list empty
Random timer - The minimum and maximum time between random strikes

Purchase Options:
Can purchase <type> strike - This allows you to toggle the various types from being bought via chat commands
Cost to purchase a <type> strike - This is a list of items that the player must have to purchase the specified strike type. This can include RP and Coins (see above)
Require permission to purchase <type> strike - This toggles the use of the permission system for each strike type when purchasing

Strike Gun Options:
Allows you to switch bullet options for each strike type.

Strike Weapon Types:
This allows you to set the weapon type for the specified strike type. Either select "Bullets", "Cannon, "Rockets" or "Combined"
Combined is a combination of bullets and cannon!
  "Strike Weapon Types (Rocket, Bullet, Cannon, Combined)": {
    "Strike": "Bullet",
    "Squad": "Rocket",
    "Spectre": "Combined"
  "Rocket Options": {
    "Speed of the rocket": 110.0,
    "Damage modifier": 1.0,
    "Accuracy of rocket (a lower number is more accurate)": 1.5,
    "Accuracy of spectre rocket (a lower number is more accurate)": 7.0,
    "Interval between rockets (seconds)": 0.6,
    "Interval between rockets (seconds) (Spectre Strike)": 1.5,
    "Type of rocket (Normal, Napalm)": "Normal",
    "Use both rocket types": true,
    "Chance of a fire rocket (when using both types)": 4,
    "Amount of rockets to fire": 15,
    "Napalm lifetime (seconds) (Napalm Strike)": 60.0,
    "Radiation lifetime (seconds) (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Radiation intensity (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Radiation radius (Nuke Strike)": 30.0,
    "Damage radius (Nuke Strike)": 20.0,
    "Damage amount (Nuke Strike)": 100.0
  "Cannon Options": {
    "Damage modifier": 1.0,
    "Accuracy of shell (a lower number is more accurate)": 1.5,
    "Accuracy of spectre shells (a lower number is more accurate)": 7.0,
    "Interval between shells (seconds)": 0.6,
    "Interval between shells (seconds) (Spectre Strike)": 1.5,
    "Amount of shells to fire": 15
  "Strike Gun Options": {
    "Strike": {
      "Amount to fire": 100,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.07,
      "Is explosive ammunition": false,
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0
    "Squad": {
      "Amount to fire": 50,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.2,
      "Is explosive ammunition": true,
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0
    "Spectre": {
      "Amount to fire": 300,
      "Bullet fire rate": 0.115,
      "Is explosive ammunition": true,
      "Accuracy of bullet spread": 15.0,
      "Damage of bullets": 15.0
  "Cooldown Options": {
    "Use cooldown timers": true,
    "Use a global cooldown for each type": false,
    "Global cooldown time": 3600,
    "Strike cooldown times (seconds)": {
      "Strike": 3600,
      "Squad": 3600,
      "Napalm": 3600,
      "Nuke": 3600,
      "Spectre": 3600
  "Plane Options": {
    "Flight speed (meters per second)": 105.0,
    "Distance from target to engage": 900.0,
    "Flight radius (Spectre Strike)": 300.0
  "Purchase Options": {
    "Can purchase standard strike": true,
    "Can purchase squad strike": true,
    "Can purchase napalm strike": true,
    "Can purchase nuke strike": true,
    "Can purchase spectre strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase squad strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase napalm strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase nuke strike": true,
    "Require permission to purchase spectre strike": true,
    "Cost to purchase a standard strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 50,
      "targeting.computer": 1
    "Cost to purchase a squad strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 100,
      "techparts": 50,
      "targeting.computer": 1
    "Cost to purchase a napalm strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "lowgradefuel": 500,
      "metal.refined": 100,
      "targeting.computer": 1
    "Cost to purchase a nuke strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "explosives": 20,
      "metal.refined": 200,
      "targeting.computer": 2
    "Cost to purchase a spectre strike (shortname, amount)": {
      "metal.refined": 150,
      "techparts": 100,
      "targeting.computer": 2
  "Other Options": {
    "Broadcast strikes to chat": true,
    "Can call standard strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call squad strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call napalm strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call nuke strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Can call spectre strikes using a supply signal": true,
    "Random airstrike locations (Spawnfile name)": "",
    "Random airstrike types (Strike, Squad, Napalm, Nuke, Spectre)": [
    "Random timer (minimum, maximum. In seconds)": [
  "Version": {
    "Major": 0,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 55

bool isStrikePlane(CargoPlane plane) // returns true if plane is a strike plane
Advanced Airstrike – Соверши авиа удар с воздуха!
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