Ошибка CS1644 "Feature `declaration expression' cannot be used because it is not part of the C# 6.0 language specification" указывает на то, что использование выражений объявления в вашем коде не поддерживается в спецификации языка C# 6.0.
Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, вам нужно изменить использование выражения объявления в вашем коде на стандартный способ объявления переменных. Вот исправленный код:
public Boolean IsReadyIQFakeActive()
if (IQFakeActive != null && cfg.fake)
return IQFakeActive.Call<Boolean>("IsReady");
return false;
private List<FakePlayer> GetFakePlayerList()
if (!IsReadyIQFakeActive())
return null;
JObject jsonData = IQFakeActive.Call<JObject>("GetOnlyListFakePlayers");
JToken playersToken;
if (!jsonData.TryGetValue("players", out playersToken))
return null;
List<FakePlayer> playerList = playersToken.ToObject<List<FakePlayer>>();
return playerList;
В этом исправленном коде я изменил использование выражений объявления на стандартное объявление переменных. После внесения этого изменения попробуйте скомпилировать ваш проект снова. Если у вас появятся другие ошибки или у вас есть дополнительные вопросы, не стесняйтесь обращаться за помощью.
Исправь ошибку Friends.cs(19,1): error CS1514: Unexpected symbol
[', expecting
.' or `{'
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Facepunch.Extend;
using System.Globalization;
using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Oxide.Core;
using Oxide.Core.Plugins;
using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
using ProtoBuf;
using UnityEngine;
using Pool = Facepunch.Pool;
namespace Oxide.Plugins;
[Info("Friends", "LAGZYA", "4.2.3")]
public class Friends : RustPlugin
#region [DATA&CONFIG]
private Dictionary<ulong, List<CodeLock>> _cdPlayers = new Dictionary<ulong, List<CodeLock>>();
private Dictionary<ulong, List<BuildingPrivlidge>> _cbPlayers = new Dictionary<ulong, List<BuildingPrivlidge>>();
private Dictionary<ulong, FriendData> friendData = new Dictionary<ulong, FriendData>();
private Dictionary<ulong, ulong> playerAccept = new Dictionary<ulong, ulong>();
private static Configs cfg { get; set; }
private class FriendData
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Nickname" : "Ник")]
public string Name;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Friend-List" : "Список друзей")]
public Dictionary<ulong, FriendAcces> friendList = new Dictionary<ulong, FriendAcces>();
public class FriendAcces
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Nickname" : "Ник")]
public string name;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Friendly fire" : "Урон по человеку")]
public bool Damage;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Turret-auth" : "Авторизациия в турелях")]
public bool Turret;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Door-auth" : "Авторизациия в дверях")]
public bool Door;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "AirDef-auth" : "Авторизациия в пво")]
public bool Sam;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "TC auth" : "Авторизациия в шкафу")]
public bool bp;
private const bool Eng = true;
private class Configs
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Enable save during map save?" : "Включить сохранение во время сейва карты?")]
public bool serversave = true;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Enable IQFakeAcitve?" : "Включить IQFakeActive?")]
public bool fake = false;
? "Enable auto-authorization in single locks?"
: "Включить авто-авторизацию в одинчных замках?")]
public bool odinlock = true;
? "Disable air defense attack on a copter without a pilot?"
: "Отключить атаку пво на коптер без пилота?")]
public bool targetPilot = true;
Eng ? "Enable turret auto-authorization setting?" : "Включить настройку авто авторизации турелей?")]
public bool Turret;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Enable friendly damage setting?" : "Включить настройку урона по своим?")]
public bool Damage;
? "Enable auto authorization setting in doors?"
: "Включить настройку авто авторизации в дверях?")]
public bool Door;
? "Enable auto authorization setting in air defense?"
: "Включить настройку авто авторизации в пво?")]
public bool Sam;
? "Enable auto authorization setting in the TC?"
: "Включить настройку авто авторизации в шкафу?")]
public bool build;
? "What is the maximum number of people you can be friends with?"
: "Сколько максимум людей может быть в друзьях?")]
public int MaxFriends;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Default friendly-fire setting" : "Урон по человеку(По стандрату у игрока включена?)")]
public bool SDamage;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Default turret-auth setting" : "Авторизациия в турелях(По стандрату у игрока включена?)")]
public bool STurret;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Default door-auth setting" : "Авторизациия в дверях(По стандрату у игрока включена?)")]
public bool SDoor;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Default air defense setting" : "Авторизациия в пво(По стандрату у игрока включена?)")]
public bool SSam;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Default TC auth" : "Авторизациия в шкафу(По стандрату у игрока включена?)")]
public bool bp;
? "Friend request response timeout (in seconds)"
: "Время ожидания ответа на запроса в секнудах")]
public int otvet;
[JsonProperty(Eng ? "Enable air defense settings?" : "Вообще включать пво настройку?")]
public bool SSamOn;
public static Configs GetNewConf()
var newconfig = new Configs();
newconfig.Damage = true;
newconfig.Door = true;
newconfig.build = true;
newconfig.Turret = true;
newconfig.Sam = true;
newconfig.MaxFriends = 5;
newconfig.SDamage = false;
newconfig.SDoor = true;
newconfig.STurret = true;
newconfig.SSam = true;
newconfig.SSamOn = true;
newconfig.otvet = 10;
return newconfig;
protected override void LoadDefaultConfig() => cfg = Configs.GetNewConf();
protected override void SaveConfig() => Config.WriteObject(cfg);
protected override void LoadConfig()
cfg = Config.ReadObject<Configs>();
protected override void LoadDefaultMessages()
var ru = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var rus in new Dictionary<string, string>()
["SYNTAX"] =
"/fmenu - Открыть меню друзей\n/f(riend) add - Добавить в друзья\n/f(riend) remove - Удалить из друзей\n/f(riend) list - Список друзей\n/f(riend) team - Пригласить в тиму всех друзей онлайн\n/f(riend) set - Настройка друзей по отдельности\n/f(riend) setall - Настройка друзей всех сразу",
["NPLAYER"] = "Игрок не найден!",
["CANTADDME"] = "Нельзя добавить себя в друзья!",
["ONFRIENDS"] = "Игрок уже у вас в друзьях!",
["MAXFRIENDSPLAYERS"] = "У игрока максимальное кол-во друзей!",
["MAXFRIENDYOU"] = "У вас максимальное кол-во друзей!",
["HAVEINVITE"] = "Игрок уже имеет запрос в друзья!",
["SENDADD"] = "Вы отправили запрос, ждем ответа!",
["YOUHAVEINVITE"] = "Вам пришел запрос в друзья напишите /f(riend) accept",
["TIMELEFT"] = "Вы не ответили на запрос!",
["HETIMELEFT"] = "Вам не ответили на запрос!",
["DONTHAVE"] = "У вас нет запросов!",
["ADDFRIEND"] = "Успешное добавление в друзья!",
["DENYADD"] = "Отклонение запроса в друзья!",
["PLAYERDHAVE"] = "У тебя нету такого игрока в друзьях!",
["REMOVEFRIEND"] = "Успешное удаление из друзей!",
["LIST"] = "Список пуст!",
["LIST2"] = "Список друзей",
"/f(riend) set damage [Name] - Урон по человеку\n/f(riend) set door [NAME] - Авторизация в дверях для человека\n/f(riend) set turret [NAME] - Авторизация в турелях для человека\n/f(riend) set sam [NAME] - Авторизация в пво для человека",
["SETOFF"] = "Настройка отключена",
["DAMAGEOFF"] = "Урон по игроку {0} выключен!",
["DAMAGEON"] = "Урон по игроку {0} включен!",
["AUTHDOORON"] = "Авторизация в дверях для {0} включена!",
["AUTHDOOROFF"] = "Авторизация в дверях для {0} выключена!",
["AUTHTURRETON"] = "Авторизация в турелях для {0} включена!",
["AUTHTURRETOFF"] = "Авторизация в турелях для {0} выключена!",
["AUTHBUILDON"] = "Авторизация в шкафу для {0} включена!",
["AUTHBUILDOFF"] = "Авторизация в шкафу для {0} выключена!",
["AUTHSAMON"] = "Авторизация в ПВО для {0} включена!",
["AUTHSAMOFF"] = "Авторизация в ПВО для {0} выключена!",
"/f(riend) setall damage 0/1 - Урон по всех друзей\n/f(riend) setall door 0/1 - Авторизация в дверях для всех друзей\n/f(riend) setall turret 0/1 - Авторизация в турелях для всех друзей\n/f(riend) setall sam 0/1 - Авторизация в пво для всех друзей",
["DAMAGEOFFALL"] = "Урон по всем друзьям выключен!",
["DAMAGEONALL"] = "Урон по всем друзьям включен!",
["AUTHDOORONALL"] = "Авторизация в дверях для всех друзей включена!",
["AUTHDOOROFFALL"] = "Авторизация в дверях для всех друзей выключена!",
["AUTHBUILDONALL"] = "Авторизация в шкафу для всех друзей включена!",
["AUTHBUILDOFFALL"] = "Авторизация в шкафу для всех друзей выключена!",
["AUTHTURRETONALL"] = "Авторизация в турелях для всех друзей включена!",
["AUTHTURRETOFFALL"] = "Авторизация в турелях для всех друзей выключена!",
["AUTHSAMONALL"] = "Авторизация в ПВО для всех друзей включена!",
["AUTHSAMOFFALL"] = "Авторизация в ПВО для всех друзей выключена!",
["SENDINVITETEAM"] = "Приглашение отправлено: ",
["SENDINVITE"] = "Вам пришло приглашение в команду от",
["DAMAGE"] = "Нельзя аттаковать {0} это ваш друг!",
["UIREMOVEFRIENDv2"] = "Удалить",
["UIDAMAGE"] = "Урон по игрокам",
["UIDOOR"] = "Доступ к дверям",
["UIBUILD"] = "Доступ к шкафу",
["UITURRET"] = "Доступ к турелям",
["UISAM"] = "Доступ к пво",
["FRIENDINFO"] = "Информация об",
["LISTFRIEND"] = "Список друзей",
["NOTFOUNS"] = "Нет в базе",
["NOFRIEND"] = "Нет друзей",
["UIFIND"] = "Поиск",
["ALREADYADD"] = "Вы уже отправили запрос кому-то."
}) ru.Add(rus.Key, rus.Value);
lang.RegisterMessages(ru, this, "ru");
var eu = new Dictionary<string, string>()
["SYNTAX"] = "/fmenu - Open friends menu\n" +
"/f(riend) add - Add friend\n" +
"/f(riend) remove - Remove friend\n" +
"/f(riend) list - Friend list\n" +
"/f(riend) team - Add all team to friends\n" +
"/f(riend) set - Set up friends individually\n" +
"/f(riend) setall - Setting up friends all at once",
["NPLAYER"] = "Player not found!",
["CANTADDME"] = "you cant add yourself!!",
["ONFRIENDS"] = "The player is already your friend!",
["MAXFRIENDSPLAYERS"] = "The player has a lot of friends!",
["MAXFRIENDYOU"] = "You have the maximum number of friends!",
["HAVEINVITE"] = "The player already has a friend request!",
["SENDADD"] = "You sent a request, waiting for response!",
["YOUHAVEINVITE"] = "You received a friend request write /f(riend) accept",
["TIMELEFT"] = "You didn't answer the request!",
["HETIMELEFT"] = "Your request has not been answered!",
["DONTHAVE"] = "You have no requests!",
["ADDFRIEND"] = "Successful addition as a friend!",
["DENYADD"] = "Decline friend request!",
["PLAYERDHAVE"] = "You do not have such a player in your friends!",
["REMOVEFRIEND"] = "Successful unfriending!",
["LIST"] = "The list is empty!",
["LIST2"] = "Friend list",
["SYNTAXSET"] = "/f(riend) set damage [Name] - Damage per person\n" +
"/f(riend) set door [NAME] - Damage per person\n" +
"/f(riend) set turret [NAME] - Authorization in turrets for a person\n" +
"/f(riend) set sam [NAME] - Authorization in air defense for a person",
["SETOFF"] = "Setting disabled",
["DAMAGEOFF"] = "Damage to player {0} disabled!",
["DAMAGEON"] = "Damage to player {0} enabled!",
["AUTHDOORON"] = "Authorization in the doors for {0} is enabled!",
["AUTHDOOROFF"] = "Authorization in the doors for {0} is disabled!",
["AUTHTURRETON"] = "Authorization in turrets for {0} is enabled!",
["AUTHTURRETOFF"] = "Authorization in turrets for {0} is disabled!",
["AUTHBUILDOFF"] = "Authorization in the closet for {0} is disabled!",
["AUTHBUILDON"] = "Authorization in the closet for {0} is enabled!",
["AUTHSAMON"] = "Air defense authorization for {0} enabled!",
["AUTHSAMOFF"] = "Authorization in air defense for {0} is disabled!",
["SYNTAXSETALL"] = "/f(riend) setall damage 0/1 - Damage on all friends\n" +
"/f(riend) setall door 0/1 - Authorization in the door for all friends\n" +
"/f(riend) setall turret 0/1 - Authorization in turrets for all friends\n" +
"/f(riend) setall sam 0/1 - Authorization in air defense for all friends",
["DAMAGEOFFALL"] = "Damage to all friends is disabled!",
["DAMAGEONALL"] = "Damage to all friends is enabled!",
["AUTHDOORONALL"] = "Authorization in the door for all friends is enabled!",
["AUTHDOOROFFALL"] = "Authorization in the door for all friends is disabled!",
["AUTHBUILDONALL"] = "Locker authorization for all friends is enabled!",
["AUTHBUILDOFFALL"] = "Authorization in the closet for all friends is disabled!",
["AUTHTURRETONALL"] = "Authorization in the turrets for all friends is enabled!",
["AUTHTURRETOFFALL"] = "Authorization in the turrets for all friends is disabled!",
["AUTHSAMONALL"] = "Air defense authorization for all friends is enabled!",
["AUTHSAMOFFALL"] = "Air defense authorization for all friends is disabled!",
["SENDINVITETEAM"] = "Invitation sent: ",
["SENDINVITE"] = "You received an invitation to the team from",
["DAMAGE"] = "Can't attack {0} it's your friend!",
["UIREMOVEFRIENDv2"] = "Remove",
["UIDAMAGE"] = "Damage to players",
["UIDOOR"] = "Access to door",
["UIBUILD"] = "Access to cupboard",
["UITURRET"] = "Access to turret",
["UISAM"] = "Access to SAM",
["FRIENDINFO"] = "Information about",
["LISTFRIEND"] = "Friend list",
["NOTFOUNS"] = "Not in base",
["NOFRIEND"] = "No friends",
["UIFIND"] = "Search",
["ALREADYADD"] = "You already send invite."
lang.RegisterMessages(eu, this, "en");
#region [Func]
private string PlugName = "<color=red>[FRIENDS]</color> ";
private void FriendCmd(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] arg)
ulong ss;
FriendData player1;
FriendData targetPlayer;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out player1)) return;
if (arg.Length < 1)
$"<size=22>{PlugName}</size>\n{lang.GetMessage("SYNTAX", this, player.UserIDString)}");
switch (arg[0])
case "add":
if (arg.Length < 2)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}/f(riend) add [NAME or SteamID]");
var argLists = arg.ToList();
argLists.RemoveRange(0, 1);
var name = string.Join(" ", argLists.ToArray()).ToLower();
var target = BasePlayer.Find(name);
if (cfg.fake && IQFakeActive && (bool) IQFakeActive.CallHook("IsFakeUser", name))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SENDADD", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (target == null || !friendData.TryGetValue(target.userID, out targetPlayer))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("NPLAYER", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (target.userID == player.userID)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("CANTADDME", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (playerAccept.ContainsValue(player.userID))
SendReply(player, PlugName + lang.GetMessage("ALREADYADD", this, player.UserIDString));
if (player1.friendList.Count >= cfg.MaxFriends)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("MAXFRIENDYOU", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (player1.friendList.ContainsKey(target.userID))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("ONFRIENDS", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (targetPlayer.friendList.Count >= cfg.MaxFriends)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("MAXFRIENDSPLAYERS", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (playerAccept.ContainsKey(target.userID))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("HAVEINVITE", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (player1.friendList.ContainsKey(target.userID))
if (targetPlayer.friendList.ContainsKey(player.userID)) return;
playerAccept.Add(target.userID, player.userID);
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SENDADD", this, player.UserIDString)}");
SendReply(target, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("YOUHAVEINVITE", this, target.UserIDString)}");
InivteStart(player, target);
ss = target.userID;
timer.Once(cfg.otvet, () =>
if (!playerAccept.ContainsKey(target.userID) || !playerAccept.ContainsValue(player.userID)) return;
if (target != null)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(target, LayerInvite);
SendReply(target, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("TIMELEFT", this, target.UserIDString)}");
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("HETIMELEFT", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "accept":
if (!playerAccept.TryGetValue(player.userID, out ss))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DONTHAVE", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(ss, out targetPlayer))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("NPLAYER", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (player1.friendList.Count >= cfg.MaxFriends)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("MAXFRIENDYOU", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (targetPlayer.friendList.Count >= cfg.MaxFriends)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("MAXFRIENDSPLAYERS", this, player.UserIDString)}!");
target = BasePlayer.FindByID(ss);
if (target == null) return;
new FriendData.FriendAcces()
name = target.displayName, Damage = cfg.SDamage, Door = cfg.SDoor, Turret = cfg.STurret,
Sam = cfg.SSam, bp = cfg.bp
new FriendData.FriendAcces()
name = player.displayName, Damage = cfg.SDamage, Door = cfg.SDoor, Turret = cfg.STurret,
Sam = cfg.SSam, bp = cfg.bp
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("ADDFRIEND", this, player.UserIDString)}");
SendReply(target, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("ADDFRIEND", this, target.UserIDString)}");
if (cfg.bp) AuthBuild(target.userID, player.userID);
if (cfg.SDoor) AuthDoor(target.userID, player.userID);
if (cfg.bp) AuthBuild(player.userID, target.userID);
if (cfg.SDoor) AuthDoor(player.userID, target.userID);
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, LayerInvite);
case "deny":
if (!playerAccept.TryGetValue(player.userID, out ss))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DONTHAVE", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(ss, out targetPlayer))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("NPLAYER", this, player.UserIDString)}");
target = BasePlayer.FindByID(ss);
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DENYADD", this, player.UserIDString)}");
SendReply(target, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DENYADD", this, target.UserIDString)}");
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, LayerInvite);
case "remove":
if (arg.Length < 2)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}/f(riend) remove [NAME or SteamID]");
argLists = arg.ToList();
argLists.RemoveRange(0, 1);
name = string.Join(" ", argLists.ToArray()).ToLower();
ulong tt;
if (ulong.TryParse(arg[1], out tt))
else tt = player1.friendList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value.name.ToLower().Contains(name)).Key;
if (!player1.friendList.ContainsKey(tt))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("PLAYERDHAVE", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(tt, out targetPlayer))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("NPLAYER", this, player.UserIDString)}");
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("REMOVEFRIEND", this, player.UserIDString)}");
target = tt.IsSteamId() ? BasePlayer.FindByID(tt) : BasePlayer.Find(arg[1].ToLower());
if (target != null)
SendReply(target, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("REMOVEFRIEND", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (cfg.build)
RemoveBuild(player.userID, tt);
RemoveBuild(tt, player.userID);
RemoveDoor(player.userID, tt);
RemoveDoor(tt, player.userID);
case "list":
if (player1.friendList.Count < 1)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("LIST", this, player.UserIDString)}");
var argList = player1.friendList;
var friendlist = $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("LIST2", this, player.UserIDString)}\n";
foreach (var keyValuePair in argList)
friendlist += keyValuePair.Value.name + $"({keyValuePair.Key})\n";
SendReply(player, friendlist);
case "set":
if (arg.Length < 3)
$"<size=22>{PlugName}</size>\n{lang.GetMessage("SYNTAXSET", this, player.UserIDString)}");
argLists = arg.ToList();
argLists.RemoveRange(0, 2);
name = string.Join(" ", argLists.ToArray()).ToLower();
FriendData.FriendAcces access;
if (ulong.TryParse(arg[2], out ss))
else ss = player1.friendList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Value.name.ToLower().Contains(name)).Key;
if (!player1.friendList.TryGetValue(ss, out access))
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("NPLAYER", this, player.UserIDString)}");
switch (arg[1])
case "damage":
if (!cfg.Damage)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (access.Damage)
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("DAMAGEOFF", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Damage = false;
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("DAMAGEON", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Damage = true;
case "build":
if (!cfg.build)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (access.bp)
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHBUILDOFF", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.bp = false;
RemoveBuild(player.userID, ss);
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHBUILDON", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.bp = true;
AuthBuild(player.userID, ss);
case "door":
if (!cfg.Door)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (access.Door)
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHDOOROFF", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Door = false;
RemoveDoor(player.userID, ss);
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHDOORON", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Door = true;
AuthDoor(player.userID, ss);
case "turret":
if (!cfg.Turret)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (access.Turret)
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHTURRETOFF", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Turret = false;
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHTURRETON", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Turret = true;
case "sam":
if (!cfg.SSamOn) return;
if (!cfg.Sam)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (access.Sam)
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHSAMOFF", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Sam = false;
$"{PlugName}{String.Format(lang.GetMessage("AUTHSAMON", this, player.UserIDString), access.name)}");
access.Sam = true;
case "setall":
if (arg.Length < 3)
$"<size=22>{PlugName}</size>\n{lang.GetMessage("SYNTAXSETALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
switch (arg[1])
case "door":
if (!cfg.Door)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (arg[2] == "1")
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Door = true;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHDOORONALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Door = false;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHDOOROFFALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "damage":
if (!cfg.Damage)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (arg[2] == "1")
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Damage = true;
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DAMAGEONALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Damage = false;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DAMAGEOFFALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "build":
if (!cfg.Turret)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (arg[2] == "1")
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.bp = true;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHBUILDONALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.bp = false;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHBUILDOFFALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "turret":
if (!cfg.Turret)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (arg[2] == "1")
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Turret = true;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHTURRETONALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Turret = false;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHTURRETOFFALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "sam":
if (!cfg.SSamOn) return;
if (!cfg.Sam)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
if (arg[2] == "1")
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Sam = true;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHSAMONALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Sam = false;
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("AUTHSAMOFFALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "team":
var team = player.Team;
if (team == null)
team = RelationshipManager.ServerInstance.CreateTeam();
var text = $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SENDINVITETEAM", this, player.UserIDString)}";
foreach (var ts in player1.friendList)
target = BasePlayer.Find(ts.Key.ToString());
if (target != null)
if (target.Team == null)
text += $"{target.displayName}[{target.userID}]\n";
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SENDINVITE", this, player.UserIDString)} {player.displayName}[{player.userID}]");
SendReply(player, text);
private void FriendConsole(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
if (arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length < 1 || arg.Player() == null) return;
FriendCmd(arg.Player(), "friend", arg.Args);
if (arg.Args[0] == "set")
NextTick(() => SettingInit(arg.Player(), ulong.Parse(arg.Args[2]), arg.Args[3]));
if (arg.Args[0] == "remove")
private void FriendCmd2(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] arg) => FriendCmd(player, command, arg);
#region [Hooks]
private void OnEntitySpawned(BuildingPrivlidge entity)
FriendData fData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(entity.OwnerID, out fData)) return;
if (_cbPlayers.ContainsKey(entity.OwnerID)) _cbPlayers[entity.OwnerID].Add(entity);
foreach (var ids in fData.friendList.Where(p => p.Value.bp == true))
entity.authorizedPlayers.Add(new PlayerNameID()
ShouldPool = true,
userid = ids.Key,
username = ids.Value.name
private void OnEntitySpawned(CodeLock entity)
FriendData fData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(entity.OwnerID, out fData)) return;
if (_cdPlayers.ContainsKey(entity.OwnerID)) _cdPlayers[entity.OwnerID].Add(entity);
else _cdPlayers.Add(entity.OwnerID, new List<CodeLock>() { entity });
foreach (var ids in fData.friendList.Where(p => p.Value.Door == true))
if (!entity.guestPlayers.Contains(ids.Key)) entity.guestPlayers.Add(ids.Key);
private void CanChangeCode(BasePlayer player, CodeLock codeLock, string code, bool isGuest)
NextFrame(() =>
if (!isGuest)
var ownerId = codeLock.OwnerID;
if (!ownerId.IsSteamId())
foreach (var friend in friendData[player.userID].friendList.Where(p => p.Value.Door == true))
if (!codeLock.guestPlayers.Contains(friend.Key))
private List<ulong> hitPlayer = new List<ulong>();
[PluginReference] private Plugin TruePVE, IQFakeActive;
[PluginReference] Plugin ArenaTournament;
private bool IsOnTournament(ulong userid)
return ArenaTournament != null && ArenaTournament.Call<bool>("IsOnTournament", userid);
private object CanEntityTakeDamage(BaseEntity entity, HitInfo info)
if (entity == null || info == null) return null;
FriendData player1;
var targetplayer = entity as BasePlayer;
var attackerplayer = info.Initiator as BasePlayer;
if (attackerplayer == null || targetplayer == null) return null;
if (IsOnTournament(attackerplayer.userID)) return null;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(attackerplayer.userID, out player1)) return null;
FriendData.FriendAcces ss;
if (!player1.friendList.TryGetValue(targetplayer.userID, out ss)) return null;
if (ss.Damage) return null;
if (hitPlayer.Contains(attackerplayer.userID)) return true;
timer.Once(5f, () =>
if (hitPlayer.Contains(attackerplayer.userID))
string.Format(lang.GetMessage("DAMAGE", this, attackerplayer.UserIDString), targetplayer.displayName));
return true;
private object OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
if (TruePVE != null) return null;
return CanEntityTakeDamage(entity, info);
private object OnTurretTarget(AutoTurret turret, BaseCombatEntity entity)
if (entity == null || turret == null) return null;
FriendData targetPlayer;
var targetplayer = entity as BasePlayer;
if (targetplayer == null) return null;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(turret.OwnerID, out targetPlayer)) return null;
FriendData.FriendAcces ss;
var owner = turret.authorizedPlayers.Any(p => p.userid == turret.OwnerID);
if (!owner) return null;
if (!targetPlayer.friendList.TryGetValue(targetplayer.userID, out ss)) return null;
if (!ss.Turret) return null;
return false;
private object CanUseLockedEntity(BasePlayer player, BaseLock baseLock)
if (player == null || baseLock == null) return null;
FriendData targetPlayer2;
if (baseLock.ShortPrefabName == "lock.key" && !cfg.odinlock) return null;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(baseLock.OwnerID, out targetPlayer2)) return null;
FriendData.FriendAcces ss;
if (!targetPlayer2.friendList.TryGetValue(player.userID, out ss)) return null;
if (!ss.Door) return null;
return true;
private bool TargetPilot(SamSite entity, BaseCombatEntity target)
var targetPlayer = (target as BaseVehicle)?.GetDriver();
return targetPlayer != null;
private object OnSamSiteTarget(SamSite entity, BaseCombatEntity target)
if (!cfg.SSamOn) return null;
if (cfg.targetPilot && !TargetPilot(entity, target)) return true;
if (entity == null || target == null) return null;
FriendData targetPlayer;
var targetpcopter = target as PlayerHelicopter;
if (targetpcopter != null)
var build = entity.GetBuildingPrivilege();
if (build == null) return null;
if (!build.authorizedPlayers.Any(p => p.userid == entity.OwnerID)) return null;
BasePlayer targePlayer = null;
if (targetpcopter != null) targePlayer = targetpcopter.GetDriver();
if (targePlayer == null) return true;
if (entity.OwnerID == targePlayer.userID) return true;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(entity.OwnerID, out targetPlayer)) return null;
FriendData.FriendAcces ss;
if (!targetPlayer.friendList.TryGetValue(targePlayer.userID, out ss)) return null;
if (!ss.Sam) return null;
return null;
return true;
private string API_KEY = "Friends-233255123123sadzzzxx22ws";
private void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player)
FriendData t;
if (friendData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out t)) return;
friendData.Add(player.userID, new FriendData() { Name = player.displayName, friendList = { } });
public class FakePlayer
public String userId;
public String displayName;
public Boolean isMuted;
public Boolean IsReadyIQFakeActive()
if (IQFakeActive != null && cfg.fake)
return IQFakeActive.Call<Boolean>("IsReady");
return false;
private List<FakePlayer> GetFakePlayerList()
if (!IsReadyIQFakeActive())
return null;
JObject jsonData = IQFakeActive.Call<JObject>("GetOnlyListFakePlayers");
JToken playersToken;
if (!jsonData.TryGetValue("players", out playersToken))
return null;
List<FakePlayer> playerList = playersToken.ToObject<List<FakePlayer>>();
return playerList;
private void OnServerInitialized()
if (cfg.fake && IQFakeActive != null)
PrintWarning("[---- LOAD IQFAKEACTIVE PLAYERS ----]");
permission.RegisterPermission("friends.checkplayer", this);
ServerConsole.PrintColoured(ConsoleColor.Blue, (object)$"{Name} [{Version}] ", (object)ConsoleColor.Blue,
(object)"B", (object)ConsoleColor.Cyan, (object)"Y ", (object)ConsoleColor.Green, (object)"L",
(object)ConsoleColor.Magenta, (object)"A", (object)ConsoleColor.Red, (object)"G",
(object)ConsoleColor.Yellow, (object)"Z", (object)ConsoleColor.Cyan, (object)"Y",
(object)ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, (object)"A");
if (ImageLibrary == null)
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=buttonfriend.png", $"button_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=f-setting.png", $"setting_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=add-group.png", $"addfriend_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=pageright.png", $"pageright_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=pageleft.png", $"pageleft_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=fremove.png", $"remove_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=foff.png", $"off_friend");
https://rustapi.top/cartinki/givecart.php?token={API_KEY}&image=fon.png", $"on_friend");
if (!cfg.serversave)
friendData =
Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.ReadObject<Dictionary<ulong, FriendData>>("Friends/FriendData");
foreach (var basePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
NextFrame(() =>
foreach (var baseNetworkable in BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.entityList.Where(p =>
p.Value.ShortPrefabName.Contains("lock.code") || p.Value.ShortPrefabName.Contains("cupboard")))
if (baseNetworkable.Value.ShortPrefabName.Contains("cupboard"))
var cb = baseNetworkable.Value as BuildingPrivlidge;
if (cb == null || cb.OwnerID == 0 || !cb.OwnerID.IsSteamId()) continue;
if (_cbPlayers.ContainsKey(cb.OwnerID))
_cbPlayers.Add(cb.OwnerID, new List<BuildingPrivlidge>()
if (baseNetworkable.Value.ShortPrefabName.Contains("lock.code"))
var cd = baseNetworkable.Value as CodeLock;
if (cd == null || cd.OwnerID == 0 || !cd.OwnerID.IsSteamId()) continue;
if (_cdPlayers.ContainsKey(cd.OwnerID))
_cdPlayers.Add(cd.OwnerID, new List<CodeLock>()
void OnServerSave()
Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("Friends/FriendData", friendData);
Puts(Eng ? "Save Data!" : "Произошло сохранение даты!");
private void Unload()
Interface.Oxide.DataFileSystem.WriteObject("Friends/FriendData", friendData);
foreach (var basePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(basePlayer, LayerInvite);
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(basePlayer, Layer);
#region [UI]
private static string Layer = "UISoFriends";
private string Hud = "Hud";
private string Overlay = "Overlay";
private string regular = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf";
private static string Sharp = "assets/content/ui/ui.background.tile.psd";
private static string Blur = "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat";
private static string radial = "assets/content/ui/ui.background.transparent.radial.psd";
private CuiPanel Fon = new CuiPanel()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0 0", AnchorMax = "1 1" },
Image =
ImageType = UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type.Filled,
Png = "assets/standard assets/effects/imageeffects/textures/noise.png",
Sprite = "assets/content/ui/ui.background.transparent.radial.psd",
Color = "0 0 0 0.75",
Material = "assets/icons/greyout.mat"
private CuiPanel MainFon = new CuiPanel()
RectTransform =
{ AnchorMin = "0 0", AnchorMax = "1 1" },
CursorEnabled = true,
Image = { Color = "0.24978750 0.2312312 0.312312312 0.1" }
private CuiPanel _searchPanel = new CuiPanel()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.20 0.1773457", AnchorMax = "0.80 0.725" },
Image = { Color = "0 0 0 0" }
private CuiButton _close = new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0 0", AnchorMax = "1 1" },
Button = { Close = Layer, Color = "0.64 0.64 0.64 0" },
Text = { Text = "" }
private string LayerInvite = "FriendsAcceptLayer";
private void InivteStart(BasePlayer player, BasePlayer playerName)
var cont = new CuiElementContainer();
cont.Add(new CuiPanel()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "0.5 0",
AnchorMax = "0.5 0",
OffsetMin = "-100 90",
OffsetMax = "80 130"
Image =
Color = "0 0 0 0"
}, Overlay, LayerInvite);
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = LayerInvite,
Components =
new CuiTextComponent()
Text = String.Format(lang.GetMessage("SENDACCEPTFRIENDS", this, player.UserIDString),
FontSize = 14,
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
Color = HexToRustFormat("#FF8C00")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.5 0.5",
AnchorMax = "0.5 0.5",
OffsetMin = "-150 1",
OffsetMax = "150 29"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "0.5 0",
AnchorMax = "0.5 0",
OffsetMin = "-34 1",
OffsetMax = "-5 30"
Text =
Text = "",
FontSize = 10,
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
Color = HexToRustFormat("#01cdd4")
Button =
Close = LayerInvite,
Sprite = "assets/icons/vote_up.png",
Color = HexToRustFormat("#8ab644"),
Command = "friendui2 accept"
}, LayerInvite);
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "0.5 0",
AnchorMax = "0.5 0",
OffsetMin = "5 1",
OffsetMax = "34 30"
Text =
Text = "",
FontSize = 10,
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
Color = HexToRustFormat("#ee0078")
Button =
Close = LayerInvite,
Sprite = "assets/icons/vote_down.png",
Color = HexToRustFormat("#8c472e"),
Command = "friendui2 deny"
}, LayerInvite);
CuiHelper.AddUi(playerName, cont);
Effect effect = new Effect("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/item.select.fx.prefab", playerName, 0,
new Vector3(), new Vector3());
EffectNetwork.Send(effect, playerName.Connection);
void TeamCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] arg)
FriendData player1;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out player1)) return;
var team = player.Team;
if (team == null)
team = RelationshipManager.ServerInstance.CreateTeam();
string text = string.Empty;
foreach (var keyValuePair in player1.friendList)
var target = BasePlayer.FindByID(keyValuePair.Key);
if (target == null || target.Team != null || !target.IsConnected) continue;
text += $"{target.displayName}[{target.userID}]\n";
$"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SENDINVITE", this, target.UserIDString)} {player}");
SendReply(player, text);
void FfCommand(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] arg)
FriendData player1;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out player1)) return;
if (arg.Length != 1) return;
switch (arg[0])
case "0":
if (!cfg.Damage)
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("SETOFF", this, player.UserIDString)}");
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Damage = false;
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DAMAGEOFFALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
case "1":
foreach (var friends in player1.friendList)
friends.Value.Damage = true;
SendReply(player, $"{PlugName}{lang.GetMessage("DAMAGEONALL", this, player.UserIDString)}");
private void StartUi(BasePlayer player)
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, Layer);
var cont = new CuiElementContainer();
cont.Add(Fon, "Overlay", Layer);
cont.Add(MainFon, Layer, Layer + "off");
cont.Add(_close, Layer + "off");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "off",
Components =
new CuiTextComponent()
Text = String.Format(lang.GetMessage("SYSTEMFRIENDS", this, player.UserIDString)),
Color = "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.86", FontSize = 30, Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft
new CuiRectTransformComponent() { AnchorMin = "0.3442708 0.6361111", AnchorMax = "0.41875 0.6549382" }
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, cont);
FriendsInit(player, 1);
void CheckPlayer(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
ulong steamId;
if (arg == null || arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length != 1 ||
!ulong.TryParse(arg.Args[0], out steamId)) return;
if (arg.Player() == null)
ServerConsole.PrintColoured(ConsoleColor.Yellow, (object)$"{Name} [{Version}]\n",
(object)ConsoleColor.White, (object)$"{CheckFriends(steamId)}");
var admin = arg.Player();
if (!permission.UserHasPermission(admin.UserIDString, "friends.checkplayer")) return;
SendReply(admin, $"{CheckFriends(steamId)}");
string CheckFriends(ulong playerId)
var checkPlayer = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId);
var text = checkPlayer == null
? $"{lang.GetMessage("FRIENDINFO", this, playerId.ToString())} {playerId}\n"
: $"{lang.GetMessage("FRIENDINFO", this, playerId.ToString())} {checkPlayer.displayName}[{playerId}]\n";
if (friendData.ContainsKey(playerId))
if (friendData[playerId].friendList.Count > 0)
var i = 1;
text += $"{lang.GetMessage("LISTFRIEND", this, playerId.ToString())}:\n";
foreach (var friend in GetFriends(playerId))
var checkFriend = BasePlayer.FindByID(friend);
text += checkFriend == null ? $"{i}. {friend}\n" : $"{i}. {checkFriend.displayName}[{friend}]\n";
return text;
return text + lang.GetMessage("NOFRIEND", this, playerId.ToString());
return text + lang.GetMessage("NOTFOUNDS", this, playerId.ToString());
private void FriendUI(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg)
var targetPlayer = arg?.Player();
if (targetPlayer == null) return;
if (arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length < 1)
switch (arg.Args[0])
case "page":
if (arg.Args[1].ToInt() < 1) return;
FriendsInit(targetPlayer, arg.Args[1].ToInt());
case "findplayer":
FriendsInit(targetPlayer, arg.Args[1].ToInt(), arg.Args[2]);
case "setting":
SettingInit(targetPlayer, ulong.Parse(arg.Args[1]), arg.Args[2]);
[PluginReference] private Plugin ImageLibrary;
public string GetImage(string shortname, ulong skin = 0) =>
(string)ImageLibrary.Call("GetImage", shortname, skin);
public bool AddImage(string url, string shortname, ulong skin = 0) =>
(bool)ImageLibrary.Call("AddImage", url, shortname, skin);
private void SettingInit(BasePlayer player, ulong steamdIdTarget, string b)
FriendData.FriendAcces access;
FriendData target;
string panel = Layer + "f" + b;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(player.userID, out target)) return;
if (!target.friendList.TryGetValue(steamdIdTarget, out access)) return;
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, panel);
var cont = new CuiElementContainer();
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Name = panel,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Color = "0 0 0 0"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin =
$"{0.0442401 + b.ToInt() * 0.132 - Math.Floor((double)b.ToInt() / 7) * 7 * 0.132} {0.925129 - Math.Floor((double)b.ToInt() / 7) * 0.07}",
AnchorMax =
$"{0.208343 + b.ToInt() * 0.132 - Math.Floor((double)b.ToInt() / 7) * 7 * 0.132} {0.9854072 - Math.Floor((double)b.ToInt() / 7) * 0.07}"
if (b.ToInt() <= 47)
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = panel,
Name = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent
Png = GetImage($"settingback_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.006101906 -6.051513",
AnchorMax = "1 1"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = panel,
Name = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent
Png = GetImage($"settingback_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.006101906 0",
AnchorMax = "1 7.051513"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiTextComponent()
Text = $"{lang.GetMessage("UISETTINGS", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, Font = regular, FontSize = 12, Color = HexToRustFormat("#52eb80")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
{ AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.8941861", AnchorMax = "0.9420606 0.9694828" },
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.86 0.92", AnchorMax = "0.9484982 0.9756707" },
Button =
Color = HexToRustFormat("#9fb5b7"), Close = panel, Sprite = "assets/icons/close.png"
Text =
Text = "", Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, FontSize = 12,
Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf"
}, Layer + "Set");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent
Png = GetImage($"remove_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.15 0.01144091", AnchorMax = "0.85 0.12"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.15 0.01144091", AnchorMax = "0.85 0.12" },
Button =
Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 remove {steamdIdTarget}", Close = Layer
Text =
Text = lang.GetMessage("UIREMOVEFRIENDv2", this, player.UserIDString), Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
FontSize = 10,
}, Layer + "Set");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3d")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.7407911", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.8606074"
if (access.Damage)
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.7407911", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.8606074" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set damage {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UIDAMAGE", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Damage");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Damage",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("on_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.7407911", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.8606074" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set damage {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UIDAMAGE", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Damage");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Damage",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("off_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3d")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.603502", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.7233183"
if (access.Door)
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.603502", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.7233183" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set door {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UIDOOR", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Door");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Door",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("on_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.603502", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.7233183" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set door {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UIDOOR", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Door");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Door",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("off_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3d")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.466213", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.5860293"
if (access.Turret)
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.466213", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.5860293" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set turret {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UITURRET", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Turret");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Turret",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("on_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.466213", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.5860293" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set turret {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UITURRET", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Turret");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Turret",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("off_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3d")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.3289239", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.4487402"
if (access.bp)
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.3289239", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.4487402" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set build {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UIBUILD", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Build");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Build",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("on_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.3289239", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.4487402" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set build {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UIBUILD", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Build");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Build",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("off_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
if (cfg.SSamOn)
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3d")
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.1916349", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.3114512"
if (access.Sam)
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.1916349", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.3114512" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set sam {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UISAM", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Sam");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Sam",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("on_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform = { AnchorMin = "0.02648985 0.1916349", AnchorMax = "0.9699578 0.3114512" },
Button = { Color = "0 0 0 0", Command = $"friendui2 set sam {steamdIdTarget} {b}" },
Text =
Text = $" {lang.GetMessage("UISAM", this, player.UserIDString)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 10
}, Layer + "Set", Layer + "Set" + "Sam");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "Set" + "Sam",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("off_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.7990546 0.1258519",
AnchorMax = "0.9492701 0.8832379"
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, cont);
private void AuthDoor(ulong player, ulong friendId)
if (_cdPlayers.ContainsKey(player))
foreach (CodeLock bp in _cdPlayers[player])
if (bp == null) continue;
if (bp.whitelistPlayers.Contains(player))
if (!bp.guestPlayers.Contains(friendId))
private void RemoveDoor(ulong player, ulong friendId)
if (_cdPlayers.ContainsKey(player))
foreach (CodeLock bp in _cdPlayers[player])
if (bp == null) continue;
if (bp.whitelistPlayers.Contains(player))
if (bp.guestPlayers.Contains(friendId)) bp.guestPlayers.Remove(friendId);
private void AuthBuild(ulong player, ulong friendId)
var friend = friendData[player].friendList[friendId];
if (_cbPlayers.ContainsKey(player))
foreach (BuildingPrivlidge bp in _cbPlayers[player])
if (bp == null) continue;
if (bp.authorizedPlayers.Any(p => p.userid == player))
if (bp.authorizedPlayers.Any(p => p.userid == friendId)) continue;
bp.authorizedPlayers.Add(new PlayerNameID()
userid = friendId,
username = friend.name,
ShouldPool = true
private void RemoveBuild(ulong player, ulong friendId)
if (_cbPlayers.ContainsKey(player))
foreach (BuildingPrivlidge bp in _cbPlayers[player])
if (bp == null) continue;
if (bp.OwnerID != player) return;
if (bp.authorizedPlayers.Any(p => p.userid == player))
if (!bp.authorizedPlayers.Any(p => p.userid == friendId)) continue;
var friend = bp.authorizedPlayers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.userid == friendId);
if (friend == null) continue;
class TakePlayers
public ulong SteamId;
public string DisplayName;
private void FriendsInit(BasePlayer player, int page, string find = "")
CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, Layer + "-Search");
var cont = new CuiElementContainer();
cont.Add(_searchPanel, Layer + "off", Layer + "-Search");
cont.Add(_close, Layer + "-Search");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("pageright_friend"),
Color = "0.80 0.25 0.16 1"
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.973 0.48",
AnchorMax = "0.9979069 0.53"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "0.973 0.48",
AnchorMax = "0.9979069 0.53"
Text =
Text = "",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
FontSize = 30,
Color = "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.86"
Button =
Color = "0 0 0 0",
Command = $"friendui page {page + 1}"
}, Layer + "-Search");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("pageleft_friend"),
Color = "0.80 0.25 0.16 1"
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.003 0.48",
AnchorMax = "0.028 0.53"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "0.003 0.48",
AnchorMax = "0.028 0.53"
Text =
Text = "",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
FontSize = 30,
Color = "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.86"
Button =
Color = "0 0 0 0",
Command = $"friendui page {page - 1}"
}, Layer + "-Search");
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Components =
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.5 1",
AnchorMax = "0.5 1",
OffsetMin = "-100 10",
OffsetMax = "100 50"
new CuiImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3dF1")
/*cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Components =
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.5 1",
AnchorMax = "0.5 1",
OffsetMin = "-100 50",
OffsetMax = "100 70"
new CuiTextComponent()
Text = lang.GetMessage("UIFIND", this, player.UserIDString),
Color = "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.86"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Components =
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.5 1",
AnchorMax = "0.5 1",
OffsetMin = "-100 10",
OffsetMax = "100 50"
new CuiInputFieldComponent()
NeedsKeyboard = true,
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter,
Text = lang.GetMessage("UIINFOPLAYER", this, player.UserIDString),
Command = $"friendui findplayer {page} ",
var flist = FindFriendsData(player.userID).ToList().OrderBy(f => f.DisplayName);
var playerList = flist.ToDictionary(basePlayer => basePlayer, basePlayer => true);
// for (int i = 0; i < 57; i++)
// {
// var t = new TakePlayers()
// {
// SteamId = 76 + (ulong)i,
// DisplayName = "LAGZYA-TESING Bot"
// };
// if (i < 10) playerList.Add(t, true);
// else playerList.Add(t, false);
// }
foreach (var basePlayer in BasePlayer.activePlayerList.OrderBy(s => s.displayName).Where(p =>
!playerList.Any(f => f.Key.SteamId == p.userID) && p.displayName != player.displayName))
var t = new TakePlayers()
SteamId = basePlayer.userID,
DisplayName = basePlayer.displayName
playerList.Add(t, false);
var getFake = GetFakePlayerList();
if(getFake != null)
foreach (var keyValuePair in getFake)
playerList.Add(new TakePlayers()
DisplayName = keyValuePair.displayName,
SteamId = ulong.Parse(keyValuePair.userId)
}, false);
foreach (var sellItem in playerList
.Where(p => find == "" || find != "" && (NormalizeString(p.Key.DisplayName).ToLower().Contains(find.ToLower()) ||
.Select((i, t) => new { A = i, B = t - (page - 1) * 30 }).Skip((page - 1) * 30).Take(30))
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search",
Name = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Color = "0 0 0 0"
new CuiRectTransformComponent
AnchorMin =
$"{0.133 + sellItem.B * 0.25 - Math.Floor((double)sellItem.B / 3) * 3 * 0.25} {0.895129 - Math.Floor((double)sellItem.B / 3) * 0.1}",
AnchorMax =
$"{0.363 + sellItem.B * 0.25 - Math.Floor((double)sellItem.B / 3) * 3 * 0.25} {0.9854072 - Math.Floor((double)sellItem.B / 3) * 0.1}"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0 0.02",
AnchorMax = "1 0.98",
new CuiImageComponent()
Png = GetImage("button_friend"),
Color = HexToRustFormat("#292f3dF1")
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent()
Png = GetImage(sellItem.A.Key.SteamId.ToString())
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.0121875 0.2109886",
AnchorMax = "0.1382471 0.80559"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Color = "1 1 1 0.7"
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.15 0.4009242",
AnchorMax = "0.8 0.4169153"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiTextComponent()
Text = $"{NormalizeString(sellItem.A.Key.DisplayName)}",
Align = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft,
Color = sellItem.A.Value ? HexToRustFormat("#52eb80") : "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.86",
FontSize = 12
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.1552933 0.4009242",
AnchorMax = "0.9920615 0.8569153"
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiTextComponent()
Text = $"{sellItem.A.Key.SteamId}",
FontSize = 8,
Align = TextAnchor.LowerLeft,
Font = regular,
Color = "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.86"
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "0.1552933 0.1409242",
AnchorMax = "0.9920615 0.385869153"
if (sellItem.A.Value)
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Color = HexToRustFormat("#5c80ba"),
Png = GetImage("setting_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "1 0.5",
AnchorMax = "1 0.5",
OffsetMin = "-27 -9.01",
OffsetMax = "-8 9.01"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "1 0.5",
AnchorMax = "1 0.5",
OffsetMin = "-27 -9.01",
OffsetMax = "-8 9.01"
Text = { Text = "" },
Button =
Color = "0 0 0 0",
Command =
$"friendui setting {sellItem.A.Key.SteamId} {sellItem.B}"
}, Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B);
cont.Add(new CuiElement()
Parent = Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B,
Components =
new CuiImageComponent()
Color = HexToRustFormat("#8ab644"),
Png = GetImage("addfriend_friend")
new CuiRectTransformComponent()
AnchorMin = "1 0.5",
AnchorMax = "1 0.5",
OffsetMin = "-27 -9.01",
OffsetMax = "-8 9.01"
cont.Add(new CuiButton()
RectTransform =
AnchorMin = "1 0.5",
AnchorMax = "1 0.5",
OffsetMin = "-27 -9.01",
OffsetMax = "-8 9.01"
Text = { Text = "" },
Button =
Color = "0 0 0 0",
Close = Layer,
Command = $"friendui2 add {sellItem.A.Key.SteamId}"
}, Layer + "-Search" + ".Player" + sellItem.B);
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, cont);
#region [Help]
private static List<char> Letters = new List<char> { '☼', 's', 't', 'r', 'e', 'т', 'ы', 'в', 'о', 'ч', 'х', 'а', 'р', 'u', 'c', 'h', 'a', 'n', 'z', 'o', '^', 'm', 'l', 'b', 'i', 'p', 'w', 'f', 'k', 'y', 'v', '$', '+', 'x', '1', '®', 'd', '#', 'г', 'ш', 'к', '.', 'я', 'у', 'с', 'ь', 'ц', 'и', 'б', 'е', 'л', 'й', '
', 'м', 'п', 'н', 'g', 'q', '3', '4', '2', ']', 'j', '[', '8', '{', '}', '', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '&', '?', '-', '+', '=', '~', ' ', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'а', 'б', 'в', 'г', 'д', 'е', 'ё', 'ж', 'з', 'и', 'й', 'к', 'л', 'м', 'н', 'о', 'п', 'р', 'с', 'т', 'у', 'ф', 'х', 'ц', 'ч', 'ш', 'щ', 'ь', 'ы', 'ъ', 'э', 'ю', 'я' };
private static string NormalizeString(string text)
string name = "";
foreach (var @char in text)
if (Letters.Contains(@char.ToString().ToLower().ToCharArray()[0]))
name += @char;
return name;
private static string HexToRustFormat(string hex)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hex)) hex = "#FFFFFFFF";
var str = hex.Trim('#');
if (str.Length == 6) str += "FF";
if (str.Length != 8)
throw new Exception(hex);
var r = byte.Parse(str.Substring(0, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
var g = byte.Parse(str.Substring(2, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
var b = byte.Parse(str.Substring(4, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
var a = byte.Parse(str.Substring(6, 2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
Color color = new Color32(r, g, b, a);
return $"{color.r:F2} {color.g:F2} {color.b:F2} {color.a:F2}";
#region API
private bool HasFriend(string playerId, string friendId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendId))
return false;
ulong pId = 0;
ulong fId = 0;
if (!ulong.TryParse(playerId, out pId) || !ulong.TryParse(friendId, out fId)) return false;
return HasFriend(pId, fId);
private bool HasFriend(ulong playerId, ulong friendId)
FriendData playerData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData)) return false;
return playerData.friendList.ContainsKey(friendId);
private bool AreFriends(string playerId, string friendId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendId))
return false;
ulong pId = 0;
ulong fId = 0;
if (!ulong.TryParse(playerId, out pId) || !ulong.TryParse(friendId, out fId)) return false;
return AreFriends(pId, fId);
private bool AreFriends(ulong playerId, ulong friendId)
FriendData playerData;
FriendData playerData2;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData) ||
!friendData.TryGetValue(friendId, out playerData2)) return false;
return playerData.friendList.ContainsKey(friendId) && playerData2.friendList.ContainsKey(playerId);
private bool AddFriend(ulong playerId, ulong friendId)
FriendData playerData;
FriendData playerData2;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData) ||
!friendData.TryGetValue(friendId, out playerData2)) return false;
if (playerData.friendList.ContainsKey(friendId)) return false;
playerData.friendList.Add(friendId, new FriendData.FriendAcces()
name = BasePlayer.FindByID(friendId) ? BasePlayer.FindByID(friendId).displayName :
Damage = cfg.SDamage, Door = cfg.SDoor, Turret = cfg.STurret,
Sam = cfg.SSam
playerData2.friendList.Add(playerId, new FriendData.FriendAcces()
name = BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId) ? BasePlayer.FindByID(playerId).displayName :
Damage = cfg.SDamage, Door = cfg.SDoor, Turret = cfg.STurret,
Sam = cfg.SSam
return true;
private bool RemoveFriend(ulong playerId, ulong friendId)
FriendData playerData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData)) return false;
if (!playerData.friendList.ContainsKey(friendId)) return false;
return playerData.friendList.Remove(friendId);
private bool IsFriend(string playerId, string friendId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(friendId))
return false;
ulong pId = 0;
ulong fId = 0;
if (!ulong.TryParse(playerId, out pId) || !ulong.TryParse(friendId, out fId)) return false;
return IsFriend(pId, fId);
private bool IsFriend(ulong playerId, ulong friendId)
FriendData playerData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData)) return false;
return playerData.friendList.ContainsKey(friendId);
private int GetMaxFriends()
return cfg.MaxFriends;
private ulong[] GetFriends(ulong playerId)
FriendData playerData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData)) return new ulong[0];
var test = Pool.GetList<ulong>();
foreach (var friendId in playerData.friendList)
return test.ToArray();
private List<TakePlayers> FindFriendsData(ulong playerId)
FriendData playerData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out playerData)) return new List<TakePlayers>();
var test = new List<TakePlayers>();
foreach (var friendId in playerData.friendList)
var t = new TakePlayers()
SteamId = friendId.Key,
DisplayName = friendId.Value.name
return test;
private ulong[] GetFriendList(string playerId)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(playerId)) return new ulong[0];
FriendData playerData;
if (!friendData.TryGetValue(ulong.Parse(playerId), out playerData)) return new ulong[0];
List<ulong> players = new List<ulong>();
foreach (var friendId in playerData.friendList)
return players.ToArray();
private ulong[] GetFriendList(ulong playerId)
return GetFriendList(playerId.ToString()).ToArray();
private ulong[] IsFriendOf(ulong playerId)
FriendData friend;
return friendData.TryGetValue(playerId, out friend) ? friend.friendList.Keys.ToArray() : new ulong[0];