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Платное Raidable Bases 2.9.2

Версия Дата выпуска Скачивания Оценка
2.9.2 35 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
2.9.1 36 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
2.9.0 39 0.00 звёзд 0 оценок
  • Fixed spawns database setting in profiles
  • Fixed SetupCollider.NullReferenceException
  • Fixed ToggleLights.NullRefenceException
  • Fixed Record.NullRefenceException
  • Fixed OnButtonPress.NullRefenceException
  • Fixed issues with mount ejection
  • Fixed custom buyraid button text
  • Fixed box skins not being applied
  • Fixed plants blocking spawn points
  • Fixed io lights not being toggled on/off
  • Fixed shotgun attack range being too far from the target
  • Fixed issue where owner could be ejected when shot
  • Fixed issue where players were not always removed from raid on death
  • Fixed `Allow Players To Use Ladders` compatibility with `Require Cupboard Access To Place Ladders`
  • Added permission `raidablebases.setowner` for commands /rbe setowner, and /rbe clearowner
  • Added permission `raidablebases.allow.commands` to bypass blocked commands
  • Added `Eject Mounts => Snowmobiles` (false)
  • Added `Add Code Lock To Lockers` (true)
  • Added `Allow Players To Use MLRS` (true)
  • Added support for enemy npcs to use explosives on raid bases
  • Added support for Advanced Alerts (you should disable messages in that plugin)
  • Added `Eject Scavengers When Raid Is Completed` (true)
  • Added `Allow Npcs To Target Other Npcs` (false)
  • Added `Entities Allowed To Drop Loot` (Auto Turret, Flame Turret, Fog Machine, Gun Trap, SAM Site) - Removed `Allow Traps To Drop Loot`
  • Updated messages to be sent via Messages, Advanced Alerts, Notify, and/or GUIAnnouncements. UI messages are queued at one per second
  • Updated buyable event cooldown to start once raid is finished
  • Updated raidablebases.canbypass to allow spawning buyable events even when its disabled